years, dear. it's years.
and seriously, you can do better, sauces tend to keep for a while, especially the quality youd get there, and YOU CAN MAKE BETTER OMG. a five dollar (fuck) bottle and two dollars of ingredients makes a years worth of most of these kinds of sauces in bulk.
yeah, it turns out the hyper-breeder anchor baby southern hemisphere first-language-not-english with a dumb incomprehensible accent immigrant who takes your job and destroys the country is in fact a real guy. and as usual, it's the fucker who was shouting this fascist garbage the loudest.
also doing lots of treason.
also super rapey!
it's slightly curved, because earth is not flat, and is constantly spinning. also there might be weather/air current concerns that would save time/fuel. this is like the first thing you learn drinking on the other side of a bar from someone who has ever interacted with the 'actually doing things' side of any aircraft.
plus security concerns. lots of shady crap in california they don't want just anyone looking at from above.
explain in detail
please do.
no, this is SF to LA. It was the estrogen in the water that turned the flight path gay.
edit: we may also have local aviation laws that prevent straight flight paths. I'm not familiar with california aviation laws.
into? probably. helped by? probably larger.
and it's altadena, which was recently the hub of some pretty big mutual aid efforts, so there's a chance some of that might actually happen!
if you're poor when you get the money, you still get taxed for being poor, and the sin of class mobility. only money made AFTER you get rich is safe.
yeah! I don't deserve better, but the people whose fault this is deserve much worse.