Is this comment coming from north of the border?
So you, an ML, believe Jesus is both real and born on Dec 25th, and that Christmas was not strategically placed on that date as a way to suppress another holiday in that period?
Sure sound like you care. Also sound like any “sources” I give you will dismiss.
Hehe. Naw, it’s widely accepted and documented. You can find this information easily.
If you try hard enough, you can find info on how the earth is flat… with sources.
So believe what you want. Idgaf
No scholars have ever gotten it wrong, or argued for something in favor of what their beliefs are, despite it being a well documented topic.
Everyone knows Jesus was not born on December 25th, and yeah, it was stolen. I can make a YouTube video too. 🙄
And now you’re part of .ee, huh.
A link to more links? Probably not.