Fine them with a percentage of their revenue, then it would actually matter.
Poor guy. Do all lizards have some sort of venom, or did this guy seek a venomous lizard on purpose without researching its venom and his risks? If it's the latter, then what a dumb move.
With the PNC bank I use, about 12 years ago, passwords used to be case insensitive, and they would allow ridiculously insecure passwords without complaining, like one123. I had a ridiculous password like that for a while because it was funny, then realized I'd be the one to pay for it.
You have no right, numpy. My code is exactly as broken as I like.
Poor guy(/gal). I love cheetahs, and it's so sad to see that their life is a constant struggle and that they're going extinct soon.
Pokemon world in shambles
The guy was inspecting the robots sensor operations when he was crushed. This is either ironic, or intentional by the robot.
That looks super dangerous for the dog
That’s definitely rare. Good for her and her CEO
Also reigned in
He probably believes it too.