It would be unrealistic to expect a faster growth. The userbase already used windows and the global linux userbase is small. People don't change habits so easily, and most still don't see a reason to.
I didn't mean the choice of image format is a monopolistic behavior, but that the monopoly puts google in a position that any choice they make, be it a good or bad one, becomes an industry standard, without others having any choice in it.
Don't forget the mass manipulation of public opinion. There are a lot of players out there doing that all the time. From companies making ads that look like silly posts, and paying people or using bots to speak ill of the competition, to media agencies spreading fake news aiming at shifting people's political views.
I don't blame the users. There's usually no way to upgrade android versions, so we get stuck unless we replace the phone, and most people can't afford to replace their phones so often. I'd go further and say that people shouldn't be supposed to replace their phones because of a new software version. The android's distribution model is flawed, we should be able to upgrade our phones the same way we upgrade linux distros. If it was possible, then I would blame users for running unmaintained software.
Most people are too tech illiterate to understand it all. I doubt people would agree to such a level of data collection, if they knew more about it. I believe it can be compared to making illiterate people sign a contract, when they can't even read it.
Voluntarily uploaded data? This feels like that old linux user count site.
I will run that probe on my machines to contribute, though.
The historical value alone it already a reason for it to become open source.
Don't tupperware leak as well?
I mean, unless you use some sort of glass container or metallic, you're eating microplastics.
They lost the golden opportunity of starting with ancient people worshiping the sun, going through each step of technology advancement, to take us by surprise at the end, with people worshiping the sun again.
I liked the ones that didn't stray too much from the original. I always liked the gecko, but found it to be a bit weird looking.
Brazilian here, used to people being robbed all the time:
Almost 100% of the time, robbers just want quick cash, ant they will either 1: steal the phone and try to sell it (most robberies simply fall into this first category) or 2: point you a gun and force you to unlock the phone in order to 2a: force you to transfer money from all your banking apps or 2b: take it unlocked in order to send messages to your contacts asking for money.
Most robbers don't have enough tech skills to even understand what a bootloader is. We live in techy social circles and we tend to think everyone has similar skills, while in reality, most people can barely use their devices. Just to illustrate how low are most people skills, if you format a drive with something like ext4, most of the population will be unable to access it.
The kind of situations where criminals will have high skills tend to be when they target specific people or companies, usually paid by crime lords or rivals. Such scenario is very unlikely to happen to the average joe.
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that security measures are unnecessary. I'm just telling how most criminals operate around here, and highlighting how we tend to overestimate people's tech skills.
I believe it comes from misunderstood studies that find out that people tend to become more conservative as they age, but the studies aren't about the political meaning of conservative, but about our behavior of tending to avoid risks and seek stability as we age.