The title made me think that they would start releasing games for linux :(
Way too tired, please show me how to sign out.
Do you have access to a computer with an sd card reader? I believe the best and safest thing to do is to connect it to a computer, create disk image from it and try ro use a data recovery tool in the image file.
Edit: if you only have the phone, maybe you could try looking for apps to copy a disk image from the sd card and to recover data or try using some terminal emulator or one of those apps that install a linux distro inside android to use the dd command and then use testdisk and photorec tools. I recommend the second option, because the tools are open sourc and well tested
But wait. Do most actual trains use the linux kernel? I thought most ones were those traditional cargo ones, without any kind of computing system.
Are you sure the prompt wasn't firefox logo on the windows xp wallpaper?
Which implies that the brain-computer interface will never be viable as a product
This is so cute and feels so wholesome, for some reason :)
The problem I see with that thinking is that there are different levels of what can be considered unethical, but it usually gives the idea of "since it's all unethical, it's all the same". For example, buying something from a smaller company is usually much better than from a big one that uses slave labor.
Other than that, 99% of my daily use of a linux is independent of any DE. I actually don’t even care what DE it is. Just give me a Terminal Emulator and a graphical desktop to run software.
Do you realize how far you are from the average computer user? DEs and GUIs are very important for most people, and are one of the biggest "selling factors" for attracting new users.
From birth to 30 years you have your entire childhood, many people go to and finish college, get married, have kids, achieve a degree of professional success. Another 30 years from that moment, many people are at the end of their lives
Oh, don't hurt me like that, please...
This is a great question. I don't believe it can reach the point of any person simply being able to create their own hardware, unless we're talking about an utopic future with multimaterial 3d printing in small scale, but I can see small businesses being able to manufacture custom open source hardware on demand, based on open standards. For me, the ideal scenario would be something like going into an open hardware service shop and asking for a device with your requirements, and they creating it for you, or repairing/upgrading yours.
What kind of differences?