Probably an IR receiver module or photodiode.
Excel does this, so that German guy you forwarded a sheet to has to manually replace all the Polish function names before it works
Fake. The resulting Au201 and Au199 will promptly turn back into mercury. But, if you instead pull of a few neutrons to make Hg197, it will decay in a few days to stable Au197, along with a free neutrino.
Might a a good idea to buy it, I'm sure it will sell for 10$ with some haggling.
PICK UP THAT CAN. (all caps seems appropriate here)
This actually makes a lot of sense. A computer executing the code and a human maintaining it need to know different things. A human needs to knon what the code does on a high level (what the programmer intended), how it handles (or does not handle) edge cases, etc. A computer only needs to know how to run the code at a super low level. Without comments, it is impossible to know if code is doing the right thing, or what is expected from the caller.
and is down. Please consider using less overloaded instances.
You don't program by candle light? Everyone I know does, especially for low level programming, it takes twice the candles.
I would think that's satire of insanely long and irrelevant rules documents.
I doubt many people have ever use that or any of the other low level memory API. The main appeal of rust is not having to do that.
It's never too early to do that thing you always wanted to do. Sure, you only get 5000 weeks at most, but that's plenty if you make good use of them.