Is the statement that the dog is chicken?
So they are, statement withdrawn. I wasn't paying that much attention to the signs in the background and sure enough, the rightmost sign's M and R look a bit off and the "Investing in" part is completely scrambled.
Exactly. There's no moral dillema here. I'm keeping the switch in the "left" position and welding it in place, just in case.
What, no Microsoft Word?
Yeah. It's like... you just want to keep sleeping in the morning.
Very nicely explained, I find myself in agreement with you. This makes a lot of sense and would explain their current behaviour. So, with this in mind, if I look at Microsoft's statement from the article, it now reads slightly differently. Before, it was just their statement verbatim: "we need games like Hi-Fi rush", but now it's "we need games like Hi-Fi Rush, but a hell of a lot cheaper". All because of GamePass. Dude, I am so sick of subscription services.
It's going to be funny to watch their Pikachu face reaction when this decision chases off a good chunk of their users.
True. I would consider another package manager if it integrated into my system nicely and if I had more than a few applications outside my regular package manager. But I only have like two AppImages on my PC anyway, so I don't mind updating them manually when I need to run them.
Yeah, that's the weird part. We were playing online without issue just a few weeks ago. His PC only died sometime last week.
What do you mean? We already have them. For example, Dark Souls makes me go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA all the time.
Man, Misato Katsuragi has fallen on hard times, huh?
I would probably tell myself not to bother with college and suggest I go to a technical school instead. Apparently degrees aren't worth jack shit around here.