[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

This post doesn't include everything. There were a variety of hardware revisions and price cuts that you could add in. Plus the change of the price of games and accessories.

I waited until 2011 to get my PS3. It was $150 for a slim model, and I chose the Uncharted 3 bundle for $200. I think it ended up being a pretty good deal. You mentioned Blu-Ray and DVD, but it was also good for a lot of streaming services. The PS3 pre-dated the rise of smart TV's. I don't think there were even Android boxes back then- the NVIDIA Shield and Amazon Fire Stick were both released in 2014, and the Chromecast was 2013. Media PC's were a lot less common, and so were couch-friendly operating systems.

Unrelated- the Deck is amazing. With PS1 and PS2 it's really easy to rip your games on a PC and emulate them on the Deck. And with widescreen hacks, cheats, texture packs, save states, speed up, and slow down, plus the extra buttons to control it all, it's even better than original hardware. PS3 is doable too, though there's a lot more hoops to jump through and fewer emulation benefits. You can also use Chiaki to stream from your PS4/5, so it's pretty close to having the whole library in the palm of your hands.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 63 points 2 weeks ago

I see a ton of comments here hating on nostalgic people, with no actual nostalgic people in sight yet.

Personally I don't care if a pouched drink exists or not, but if they are no longer producing pouched drinks they should probably retire the brand.

Do you remember what a CapriSun tastes like? It's somewhere between an extremely-artificially flavored "juice" concentrate and a "fruit flavored" drink like Kool-Aid. The whole appeal was the packaging.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 60 points 1 month ago

Productivity has risen as well. Anon likely has a mind-nunbing job that produces more economically in a year than a village or two of those ancestors would have.

Keynes famously predicted in 1930 that his grandchildren would only need a 15 hour workweek as technology would allow people to work less. Many others predicted similar throughout the 1900's. When you look at a household perspective, Keynes was writing in a time when huge populations of women were expected not to work already.

What we see now is that it is incredibly rare for multi-adult households to have singular incomes. For the household, the 40 hour workweek might have actually grown to 80. Or more, as individuals engage in gig work or get 2nd or 3rd jobs. Plus forced overtime is becoming an issue, and of course wage theft.

Wages have stagnated while productivity has increased. Pensions (and unions) are gone (at least in the US). Inequality is constantly increasing - the rich use their power to get richer while the poor are stuck getting poorer.

Anon mentions his freedoms, but neglects to mention he probably spends 50 or more hours a week either working, on break from work, getting ready, commuting. He cannot criticize his employer publicly. An arrest and a night or two in jail could throw him into poverty. Unless, of course, he is rich enough that he doesn't need to work, in which case simply tossing his name around with he police can often get him out of any trouble.

He mentions healthcare - US life expectancy not, and I do not believe has ever been, 90 years. Maybe for ultra-wealtjy women? Currently the average is 76 years for the whole country. But even then, women live longer than men, and the top-1% of income earners live almost 15 years longer than the bottom-1%. . So if anon is a low-income male, his life expectancy may be in his mid-60's. Which is comparable to the average life expectancy of the late 1700's- early 1900's in Europe.

He has a lot of fancy toys at his disposal, but his life is still being consumed by the wealthy in power.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 69 points 4 months ago

I think you'll find most satanists like Carl Sagan just as much or even more than Satan.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 90 points 4 months ago

He claims they removed the ability to adjust graphics options. This is false- they just removed the launcher so it's tucked away in the launch options instead. Unless you're the kind of person who wants to change the settings every time you open the game I'd call this an improvement still.

He also claims that the FPS is lower than what the Deck is reporting and claims it feels bad. Fails to go into any methodology or even say if he tries to verify the FPS any other way. Maybe I'm just used to actual journalists doing actual research, but isn't this the point where most competent people would look to install 3rd party monitoring tools? Maybe hook it up to a capture card or external monitor? Look at frame time graphs? Like, we have the technology to support these claims, but this is just one dude saying it "feels okay". He makes references like "we tested" but doesn't include any test results.

Not to mention... Go look at Valve's publications about the Verified tag. I can't find a single reference to the frame rate anywhere. So even if the frame rate is low, that's not part of the testing process. What is or is not "playable" is incredibly subjective and variable. Some games are fine at 30, some need 60, some really benefit from >60, some games can even survive as playable at 15 FPS. Some games run mostly at 60 but dip occasionally. Some will be impacted by the performance settings on the Deck. Not to mention devs are constantly pushing updates and it's not worth the time to re-test for Deck verification that often for a possible +/-1 FPS difference.

Then he mentions crashing. No solid data or anything, just mentions a crash. He doesn't mention, but anytime I hear anyone complain about a Bethesda game crashing my first question is "are you using mods?". It would be incredibly irresponsible to do "testing" with mods, but at this point I'm not sure whether the author is sharing real experiences or just parroting what he read on Reddit.

There may very well be valid concerns here, but it's impossible to tell because of how bad this article is.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 60 points 5 months ago

A company fares to continue providing support and free updates at the same time other companies are shutting down servers and pulling games out of people's libraries, yet haters still find ways to complain.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 89 points 8 months ago

I was having a hard time imagining which company this could be. Not that I'm a fan of Verizon or Comcast, but I think they know what side their bread is buttered on. Which one wouldn't?

Then I remembered Starlink exists.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 70 points 8 months ago

So criticize him about that.

This whole "he's not the politician you thought he was" is just making shit up.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 178 points 8 months ago

Here's his voting record in the Senate.

Seems like he's the politician I thought he'd be on like 99% of the issues. But if we want to book down an entire politician's record to just one issue, sure.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 257 points 9 months ago

I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but the Biden administration has really exceeded my expectations.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 85 points 9 months ago

Queue all the people in the comments talking about ad blockers or alternative apps.

Those might be great (and ad blocking is important in general), but I've found I ultimately just watch YouTube less.

A good chunk of my favorite creators had been pushing Nebula for the past couple years, so I finally tried it out and it's pretty decent. I've even found new channels there that would have been buried on YouTube. Still tons of room for improvement for the platform, but it's functional now.

Other creators have their own websites with text content, or podcasts hosted elsewhere.

It's only a small handful of channels I check for on YouTube anymore. It kind of sucks that it's mostly small channels where video is a key component and they don't fit with the edu-tainment vibe of Nebula, and I don't know of another platform for them. Lots of DIY home improvement, self-sufficiency (not religious or conspiratorial lol), music videos, and channels dedicated to specific videogame franchises.

I know LTT has Floatplane too. I wonder if all of these other videos streaming options getting worse will start driving more people to smaller platforms.

[-] paultimate14@lemmy.world 74 points 11 months ago

We're experiencing a shortage of workers for the jobs nobody wants to do

We're experiencing a shortage of workers for the jobs no one wants to do AT THE WAGES THE EMPLOERS WANT TO PAY TO PEOPLE WHO ARE VULNERABLE TO EXPLOITATION.

There's not a shortage of workers, but of wages.

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