Because we are on autopilot. We don't concentrate on what we were born with. It's a part of us. There is actually a word for it that I can't remember. You don't look at everything on your way to work. You just get there and don't even think about it.
So the joke doesn't run on your build then. lol
Serious question, how long will it take to compile the whole thing if you had a ryzen 9 maxed out or an Intel i9 or whatevet those crazy CPUs are with all top specs PC?
I've tried it in a VM. Installed kde neon unstable. I did NOT like how they changed the settings. Ooofff, I was clicking instinctly on the wrong places. I kept repeating the same mistakes I was getting mad. lol. It IS more sane if makes more sense, thought, but we do need a lot of muscle memory to get used it. It does look a little different, but I removed it pretty quick, as I didn't want to ruin the excitement of the official release.
I have Ubuntu, inter and IBM Plex installed on my kde plasma install, but somehow I keep forgetting to set any of them and just keep the noto sans that comes default with KDE. lol
Wouldn't that clutter your home partition since every distro you install has some things to put on there?
Well, I'll be damned then. I've learned something new today.
They keep looking for trouble. Something is going to bite them in the ass one day.
Ah I see. Thank you
Well, you have two options. The same developer of thorium does have a Firefox one and it's called mercury. Blazing fast, too. Or you can install adblock detection bypass extension on thorium. It is an extension that's made to work with chrome alongside ublock origin to bypass YouTube adblock detection. In fact, I literally just ran into that issue today and the other extension fixed it.
Much respect to your parents and you. Raising kids has been the most difficult thing I've done in my life, and I've been deployed into war zones twice.
Never met one in my life, so can't tell ya really.