Normally this sort of organisation is called a “not for profit”. It acts like a company in every respect but doesn’t do more than pay for its own use. Examples are semi-public services such as “Transport for London” etc. in terms of org or dot com, I think you can use either.
I can go to Google and log in to free email. I can create word documents and spreadsheet in google docs. I can learn AI with Google projects. I can create unlimited private repos on GitHub, play lots of games on steam for free. I can download Winamp from old versions .com for free. I can get a Linux distro for nothing off servers. I can use a freevpn, watch YouTube for free.
Literally handing over game servers to an authorised community to run or supporting games forever actually is possible in the modern day.
Go swimming in the sea
I hate to play devils advocate but I think stopping duplicate questions has made it easier to find answers and it forces all opinions on into one place.
I actually think it helps many developers and new people. A programming skill is learning how read other peoples code or apply their ideas to your code base.
The biggest problem I’ve experienced is one of trust that has come about from the websites age. Now we’ve had 10 years of Stack overflow, when you visit a question you can’t necessarily be sure if the accepted answer is the modern or best solution or not.
If it’s based on the timing of replies it can be fixed in an iPhone update by simply waiting a few random seconds or minutes before firing a response.
Windows 11 requires TPM 2.0 to be enabled. With this, Microsoft and Chrome have built a complete end to end DRM to the BIOS and hardware level.
This gives the end users nothing but is wonderful for Hollywood.
Government just lost a court case, forcing a reduction of flights into and out of their main airport.
Click the envelope in the top right corner.
Andrew Bailey, governer of the bank of England, actually has this super power and why inflation is running away in the UK. Turns out spawning lots of money has ramifications elsewhere. Can I argue the Bitcoin creator had this super power too? No, fair enough
Hey Maybe I’m “ I just met you”.
I know nothing about chess but I’d have said move the castle one right to put the king in check, then drive the pawns up to pressure it, or move the castle 1 left and pick off work through the two bishops.