When knowing a rejection is destined, I would rather disappear and see the crush be with someone else. A hope which has been shot down is a scar for life, whereas an attempt never made painfully warms my heart forever.
I made a very generous donation to Krita a week ago, which was $10. They seemed happy about it.
Garfield die
1 man can feed 10,000 families after automation, but capitalism has taken away the extra 9,999 families worth of wealth, and the working class is now back to square 1.
You said you can't use public transit twice but neither time did you specify why.
Customising the kernel just means something works properly in rare hardware configurations like you described. It's something which he who uses the general hardware (like an X86 desktop) can't easily see or understand because the 'stock' kernel is already working properly.
Perhaps learn to use a mouse or draw with the other hand. It's rewarding.
I'll give you one reason for using Gentoo: option of no systemd.
Gentoo is one of the few distros which still offer a systemdless setup given its nature of high configurability. You can tell the system-wide config file to exclude systemd support in every package it attemps to compile.
I hope you or anyone who just enjoys their linux machine running fine and happily, now be able to see what freedom can mean in the open source universe. Cheers.
How do I print this out?
Most likely. There are distros that just works namely Mint. Follow the official guide and the computer is ready for use in less than an hour. And 'for the last twenty years'? I just don't believe it.
The father didn't believe the boy's claim and dared him to demonstrate exiting Vim without pulling out the power cable that night.
What you both said are true. It's convenient to load a site and perform tasks to a degree what native clients can, and it's also weird how since more than a decade ago we can't agree on anything and now we are trying to do everything in a web client.