[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 48 points 5 months ago

The growth of atmospheric CO2 is still accelerating. There has been zero evidence that this has changed.

Yes, renewables. But for every solar panel installed, our civilization’s lust for energy means that most of that added solar power is consumed without any appreciable commensurate decline in fossil fuel consumption.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 39 points 6 months ago

Separate the search engine from anything that stinks of advertising so it can return to what it’s supposed to do: return the most relevant results.

Because even appending udm=14 only gets rid of promoted links and in-page advertising, it does f**k-all to correct manipulated search results.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 53 points 7 months ago

No-one should be using any password manager built into any browser, neither Chromium-based nor Firefox-based. Browser password databases are almost trivially easy for malware to harvest.

Go with something external, BitWarden or 1Password, or if you are entirely within the Apple ecosystem their new password system built into iOS 18 is apparently really good.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 39 points 7 months ago

As much as I think that he was too old for the position… JFC. If the Dems don’t nominate Kamala Harris as his replacement, the entire Democratic nomination will be filled with so much infighting that they will lose the faith of their electorate and the next election.

If only more Dems were left-of-centre such that Bernie was a viable option. Unfortunately almost all of them are right-lite.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 39 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Landlords say this would push them to sell.

Yay? Maybe then it could be sold to people who are desperate to get off of the rental merry-go-round.

As in, these homes will be owned by people who actually live in them; non-parasites who aren’t going to be sucking the lifeblood out of hard-working, working-class Americans.

And maybe instead of being landlords, these parasites could actually go out and get a job?

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 49 points 9 months ago

As someone from outside America, I find it’s wild that people are elected into what should be purely meritocrical positions such as coroner and judge and sherriff. Up here in Canada, you need to earn those positions through job performance; none of those are elected positions. I mean, why should they be? How could these jobs be possibly improved by utilizing a popularity contest for an evaluation that should be completely skills-based?

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 38 points 1 year ago

At least it’s a private cubicle and not an open layout where devs are crammed in cheek-to-jowl in a cacophony of chaos.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 35 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Some are NIMBYs. Most, however, are alt-right reality-hostile whackadoodles who see any “renewable” energy generation as a liberal plot to destroy America.

These people actively think that renewables will harm America.

How do I know this? We have the same crazies up here in Canada. Some of them, despite having been born here, routinely confuse the two countries, spouting US legislation - like the constitutions and amendments - in “defense” of their “freedoms” being “infringed upon” by things like wind turbines.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 43 points 1 year ago

I would love to see any boomer take this job.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 50 points 1 year ago

reads the article

considers the triggers prompting the outburst

He’s… not wrong.

Not right, but definitely not wrong. There is a big difference between effective security and total security. He was dumping on total security, which in many ways is worse than no security at all.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 44 points 1 year ago

Finding woodworking plans have never been a problem.

Finding metric woodworking plans for the 94% of us who aren’t Americans, that has been my problem. Everything out there seems to be in imperial, which makes things 100× harder than it has any need to be.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 55 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

“This argument didn’t go down well.”

🤣🤣🤣 LMAO

What an awesome punchline, should have been on its own line for more impact.

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