[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world -1 points 10 hours ago

How to fix it:

  1. Raise the standard of entry to reduce the size of the student population and generally increase the average intelligence level of the student population.
  2. Make it tuition-free for Canadian citizens, and well-funded by our government.
  3. Ban the universities from having online-only classes (except those schools which are specifically distance ed). These classes were put in place mainly as a revenue stream and to reduce costs. Getting rid of them will bring students back on campus to recreate a sense of community. Students and professors will get to know each other again.
  4. Eliminate course-only grad school programs. Those programs are just more undergrad-level work and were developed, again, purely as revenue streams. You shouldn't be awarded a Masters degree or PhD purely for course work. That's practically the definition of undergrad.
[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Definitely. The first couple seasons of BSG are almost as good as Babylon 5. Though neither of those is quite as good as Firefly.

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

That's what I have, but she likes the slim new hotness, and really prioritizes battery life. She isn't worried about Linux performance, though, because she doesn't use it, lol.

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago

Oprah? Did AI get so advanced that it invented a time machine and sent us back to the 1980s? Next you'll be telling me that Phil Donahue is back.


So, I went out with my daughter to look at laptops for back-to-school and the store was dominated by Windows machines with Snapdragon X Elite chips at very reasonable prices. The energy efficiency, battery life, and quietness of these laptops is amazing. Also, I notice they all have these new NPU chips for AI, which I'm ambivalent about.

I'm a Linux-on-Thinkpad man, so I checked online and was happy to see that Lenovo is offering Snapdragon-based Thinkpads now. With these new developments, maybe it is finally time to upgrade my old T540p.

Has anyone here had experience yet running Linux on a Snapdragon-based laptop?

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world -4 points 4 days ago

I think you are misunderstanding the nature of the conflict. The war is between Iran and Israel. Gaza is just one tiny battlefield in the larger war. Iran and its proxies don't want to solve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Cui bono? Iran and its proxies, that's who. Kamala Harris knows this. She isn't stupid and she is well-advised by experts. You and your fellow protesters aren't helping at all, you are just making her job of defeating Trump harder. Wake up, my friend.

Hezbollah and Hamas are Iranian proxies that have wrecked Lebanon and Gaza respectively. Hamas's murderous attack on Israeli civilians on October 7 was all about creating chaos, provoking Israel, and undermining the Abraham Accords. It wasn't about solving the problems of the Palestinian people, it was done to further Iran's "Axis of Resistance" goals. In that sense, Hamas's October 7 operation was very similar in nature and purpose to Bin Laden's 9/11 plan, and Israel is responding much the same as the US did back in the early 2000s against the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Iran and Hamas started the current clash with the purpose of provoking Israel into a drastic response in Gaza. Gazan civilians are caught in the middle, but if you think it's Israel's fault, you are falling exactly in line with what Iran and their proxies intended.

The Russians, for all their faults, have a well-developed sense of realpolitik, and they have a term for people like you and your fellow protesters: useful idiots. I prefer the term "naive but well-intentioned", but there is quite a lot of overlap in this case. That "naive but well-intentioned" outlook is fine, even laudable, most of the time, but it is quite unhelpful at this moment when the competition between Harris and Trump is so close.

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 64 points 1 week ago

This is a very rude question, but on this subject of being lean, I looked up your 990 and you pay yourself less than some of your engineers.

Yes, and our goal is to pay people as close to Silicon Valley’s salaries as possible, so we can recruit very senior people, knowing that we don’t have equity to offer them. We pay engineers very well. [Leans in performatively toward the phone recording the interview.] If anyone’s looking for a job, we pay very, very well.

So, I googled their tax filing out of curiosity. It's true that Meredith pays herself much less than her engineers, which is great. What I was rather shocked to see is that they pay their software developers enormous salaries. They're listing developers making over $400,000 per year, with their VP making over $660,000 per year. Now, I'm all for the value-creators making more money than the CEO. I just had no idea that software developers make that kind of coin. I was thinking of donating to Signal, but I'm kind of weirded out by those astronomical salaries.

Server for a boat (lemmy.world)

Good day, friends. Since catching the self-hosting bug, I've set up a couple of Proxmox home servers with a bunch of services I enjoy.

Now I'd like to set up a server and local network on my sailboat so I can self-host servarr, pihole, and other services while traveling. The tricky part is that everything on the boat is 12V and I would rather not use an inverter, if possible. Also, it needs to be ultra-low power so I can leave it on at all times and not to deplete my batteries too much.


  • ultra-low power
  • Small form factor
  • runs on 12V
  • 10 TB of storage plus ability to make full local backup
  • Capable of hosting servarr, audiobookshelf, freshrss, etc. via docker
  • HDMI output
  • Full local mirror/backup of the entire file system, including the media library.
  • We will have two laptops and two Android phones to access the server, so the server doesn't need to run a desktop environment.

I'll have a mobile wifi router and a cellular signal booster (or maybe Starlink eventually) for internet access. Since internet bandwidth will be limited and expensive while traveling, I don't want to have to re-download a massive media llibrary if the storage media fail. Thus, I want the media library to be mirrored or fully backed up or synced locally.

What hardware and Linux distro would you use in this situation?

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 51 points 3 months ago

I will never understand why these corporations spend big bucks on this cringe. I've been to one such event and I was shocked. What's worse is that long-serving people said you had to act as if you were enjoying it or else you'd hear from your manager afterwards. Imagine a bunch of middle-aged men at a sales conference shaking their hips and pretending to enjoy a cheesy rap battle. What an utterly soul crushing, suicidal-thought-inducing experience. I can't tell if senior management actually believes that this sort of corporate cringe is inspiring, or if they do it purposely to crush your soul and make you into a servile automaton. Are they out of touch or is it an Orwellian power move?


Hello fellow self-hosters. I'm currently self-hosting the servarr stack, including jellyseer, radarr/sonarr, prowlarr transmission, and jellyfin. It works great.

I now want to expand my system into ebooks as well. I have readarr already set up, but it is too complicated for my wife. I've also tried calibre, which is great for ebook management,and Kavita, which is a lovely ebook server and reader. But I'm looking for something like "jellyseer for ebooks" that shows what's currently popular and makes it easy for the user to make requests and have those requests sent to an automated backend for downloading. Additionally, it should work well from a phone, and it would be ideal if it could download from Library Genesis.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 146 points 5 months ago

I think Americans need to absorb a bit more global context about the left-right spectrum. I see people saying that policies like universal health care, access to abortion, basic worker rights and affordable education are "far left". Most of the proposed policies of the left in the US are centrist in the rest of the Western world. Unless you are advocating for a Communist regime along the lines of the Soviet Union or Maoist China, you aren't really "far left". Similarly, unless someone is advocating for a fascist dictator state, we should probably not call them "far right". Of course, that is what Trumpists advocate for, so they really are far right!

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 91 points 7 months ago

Biden should call their bluff. Letting Abbott and DeSantis make these little shows of defiance using actual troops and law enforcement personnel only emboldens the right. That has to be a red line.

Migrating to ZFS (lemmy.world)

I recently purchased a used PowerEdge R420 rack server with a Compellent SC220 Storage Shelf. I currently have four 3.5" HDDs in the R420 and ten 2.5" HDDs in the SC220. The R420 server previously had TrueNAS installed, so all of the hard drives on both the R420 and the SC220 are formatted with ZFS. I'm now running Ubuntu on the R420 using ZFS.

The server I'm replacing is an old gaming PC running Manjaro and BTRFS. It has one SSD with the operating system and two 4 TB HDDs set up as RAID0. I've been using the RAID to store media downloaded via the Servarr stack.

So, my goal is to create a large pool out of all of the HDDs (except the one running the OS) on the R420 and SC220, and then migrate the media data on the two 4 TB RAID0 drives on my old gaming PC over to R420/SC220 pool. I would then move my Servarr stack over to the R420 as well. Ideally, I'd also like to physically move the two 4 TB HDDs over to the R420. Presumably, I would have to reformat the drives to use ZFS rather the BTRFS and then integrate them somehow into the ZFS pool?

Anyway, I'm not sure of the best procedure to accomplish all of this, so I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has any experience or insight. Thanks in advance.


There is a longstanding myth from the Second World War that the Allies killed hundreds of thousands of civilians by the sudden and shameless aerial bombing of Dresden, a beautiful city remarkable for its history and culture. That the bombing was a shameful war crime against innocent civilian German non-combatants was told by Kurt Vonnegut in his novel Slaughterhouse-Five. He personally survived the bombing, present in a nearby POW camp. His tale, endlessly repeated as though true, seemed an unjustified blot on Allied war history. But like historians of the period, Vonnegut lacked access to the official East German records. He had not heard the contrary stories of other survivors unwilling to risk offending communist authorities perpetuating damaging propaganda about the West.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 provided German historians access to previously restricted East German records relevant to the Allied bombing of Nazi targets in Dresden, Germany. Frederick Taylor, a bilingual scholar, read several German accounts, yet untranslated into English, that dispelled the myth. He began a three-year investigation, reviewing new sources and having insightful consultations with German historians knowledgeable about the fateful day of the bombing on February 13, 1945. His book is a significant achievement, providing new insights and critically important data. The historical record corrects the myth that must now be put to rest.

Taylor found that Dresden was “by the standards of its time a legitimate military target.”[1] After an examination of official records and all other available sources, including a review of the official count of bodies and ashes of incinerated victims buried, he thinks the fairest estimate of the number of deaths due to the bombing is in a range between twenty-five thousand and forty thousand. This documented and verifiable number corrects the propaganda that soon gratuitously added a zero. Nevertheless, the loss of life in Dresden was a terrible result of war:

None of this is to minimize the appalling reality of such a vast number of dead, so horribly snatched from this life within the space of a few hours, or to forget that most of them were women, children, and the elderly. Wild guesstimates — especially those exploited for political gain — neither dignify nor do justice to what must account, by any standards, as one of the most terrible single actions of the Second World War.[2]

Taylor’s book is timely as questions are being raised today about how the law of international warfare might apply to combatants who intentionally hide in, behind, and under civilian populations. For example, Hamas risks civilian lives by placing its military headquarters and armaments in residential areas. Photographs now show Hamas positioned military arms and tunnels under civilian hospitals. When they fired unguided rockets from a pre-school or residential buildings, they claimed that the retaliatory response by their enemy with a precisely targeted guided missile strike, was an atrocious war crime against civilians.

Taylor finds the loss of life and damage to property due to the war against Germany abhorrent. He does not blame the Allies. Just as evil perpetuated by the Nazis was ended along with horrific loss of life, so it appears that the evil committed by Hamas against Israel will end along with a sad and grievous cost to human life. There is a stunning difference, however. In World War II, the Allies struck by surprise. By contrast, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have dropped leaflets by air to warn civilians below of what was coming, urging them to move to safer areas. The IDF is at war with Hamas, not Palestinian civilians.

The current situation in Gaza provides a telling contrast to the bombing of Dresden. It should provoke the Arab world into shame and condemnation. There is no justification for Arab silence in the face of Hamas’s cowardice, now on full display before the world. Hamas claims the IDF killed doctors, when the facts are that the IDF brought doctors to Gazan hospitals to help save lives. The brutality of the situation is plain: Hamas has taken the Palestinian population of Gaza hostage—not just 240 Israelis and migrant workers. The report that Hamas killed some Palestinian civilians moving south to safety rings true because Hamas values the propaganda value of civilian deaths. The death toll is further inflated by counting military casualties. Hamas hopes to be saved by an international outrage and intervention that believes the lies. But the Gaza’s Palestinian blood is on Hamas’s hands. Their barbaric, inhumane acts have been shamefully exposed, while their spokesman objects to the subhuman identity and lack of sympathy that Hamas deserves. Israel’s primary war aim is and ought to be the completely destruction of Hamas, leaving it buried forever along with the sad collateral damage for which Hamas alone will be responsible.

Taylor’s story of Dresden reminds us that the United States and its Allies were unwilling to negotiate a truce, observe a ceasefire, or even a fighting pause as a path to peace with Nazi Germany. The Nazi threat was so evil that it had to be completely eradicated so that the Nazis could neither govern Germany nor win the war. Victory in war against Nazi Germany meant the Allies had to make difficult moral decisions, like the necessity of bombing military targets hidden within civilian areas despite the cost in human life. It was a cost well familiar to the Americans, as 81,000 American soldiers died fighting in the Ardennes in December, 1944.[3] War was hell then and war is hell now. Hamas must be stopped. Its naive, unemployable apologists on campus should be warned that Never Again means Never Again.


CNN reporting on some interesting survey results from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah. Seven hundred and fifty adults were interviewed face to face in the West Bank, and 481 were interviewed in Gaza, also in person. The Gaza data collection was done during the recent truce, when it was safer for researchers to move about.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by sailingbythelee@lemmy.world to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Never invade Russia in the winter. Never fight a land war in Asia. Never go for a third term as Prime Minister in Canada. It makes the electorate hate you. I don't complain much about his policies, but Trudeau is screwing his own party over and now we might end up with the Trumpiest of Canadian politicians as PM.

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 71 points 9 months ago

Valve is a private company right now. But Gaben is 61 and it goes without saying that Valve is at the top of every predatory tech capitalist's wishlist. Can you even imagine what Microsoft or Google or Meta would pay for Valve? Steam is great, but that probably won't last forever. GOG is waiting in the wings if Steam ever becomes enshittified, but most of your library cannot be transferred over.


Good day, everyone. I took the plunge into self-hosting in the last couple of weeks and set up a server running Linux Mint. I installed the media streaming stack composed of Jellyfin, Jellyseerr, Radarr, Sonarr, Jackett, Bazarr and Transmission according to this excellent guide: https://zerodya.net/self-host-jellyfin-media-streaming-stack/

Before installing it on my server, I tested it on my Linux Mint laptop and it worked perfectly. I also run NordVPN and had no issues running the streaming stack with my VPN running on the laptop. I then installed it on my server (running the exact same version of Linux Mint) and it runs fine UNTIL I turn on my VPN and then I get an "Internal Server Error 500" from Jellyseerr. Jellyseerr is still able to list the requests I've made, but can't display the Discover sections that list popular movies and shows unless I turn off the VPN.

The one difference between my successful laptop test setup and my final server setup is that I'm also running Pi-Hole on my server, so perhaps the problem is related to that? I installed the Pi-Hole using the official Ubuntu installer on the Pi-Hole website.

Anyway, I'm new to self-hosting so I'm not sure if I've provided the necessary details. Any help getting this setup to work with my VPN is greatly appreciated.

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 193 points 11 months ago

If all the quotes in the article, both from Gosar and Trump, are correct, that's pretty outrageous. I didn't fact-check them.

In any case, I heard Milley interviewed by Fareed Zakaria about a week ago. You can tell that he is completely bemused by all these crazy Republicans accusing him of being "woke". He is an old, white, grizzled, buzz-cut, 45-year army general. He is the epitome of The Establishment. In any previous decade, he would have been a staunch conservative. But the Republicans have gone crazy and alienated all of the sane conservatives.

[-] sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 101 points 11 months ago

I love the USA, but I'm surprised at how passive the average American has become. Thomas is actively making your lives worse in exchange for bribes. Where are the mass protests? SCOTUS will do nothing about it, and neither will Congress, if you don't protest.

submitted 11 months ago by sailingbythelee@lemmy.world to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Monte McNaughton has resigned, making that three resignations and forcing a cabinet shuffle. Nothing to do with the unfolding Greenbelt scandal, of course. /s

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