Also mean more commercial distros. Less donations to BSDs projects.
And it also increase the strength of Apple and Google, do you want to see that?
Also mean more commercial distros. Less donations to BSDs projects.
And it also increase the strength of Apple and Google, do you want to see that?
(A)GPL restrict the modification of the software. I'm sharing an example how that restriction works.
Their kernel is just fine.
It is just fine, yeah. The things that restrict what the user can do is the interfaces.
I want to know what others government collect (both Europe and Asia)
And is the iris scan visible? I have just had my card, I don't saw the polices do any iris scan.
So when it comes to kernel modifications, I’m old school…
what I actually need is understanding the kernel.
At least process, memory management, ipc, handling device, etc.. Reading "The design and implementation of the 4.4BSD operating system", but I think I need to read something before reading that book.
Blind metaphysical. Agnosticism.
Often we say infinite growth (capitalism) is not sustainable and reasonable
when it is not sustainable and reasonable anymore it will forms communism.
who cares how much money do you have, perhaps you have smt enabled?
I'm curious what's the advanced feature?
There is a compatibility layer (not emulator) called WINE, which you can use to run almost any Windows program natively on Linux without issues
It require the kernel to be modified. OpenBSD explicitly does not support this. But I think Linux do. It reduce Linux's security by increasing complexity, and thus, increasing bugs.
Running Windows binaries natively on Windows should be more stable and secure. Perhaps even if you enable Windows's MANDACTORY_ASLR
Try removing everything in (), because they are examples. The post would be shorter.
My English is bad. But the comment will help.
Using Wine is just stupid enough.
dd is safe. I have used Balena's Etcher 2 years ago but it seems the drive isn't bootable in UEFI mode!