submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by shazbot@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

KES is the Kbin Enhancement Suite, a userscript/extension for (k/m)bin that provides a variety of customizable tools for users.

The last minor version included an initial attempt at a spam filter. This was chiefly done to address the low-hanging fruit of spam and scrub the most persistent pharma ads, etc. The approach was similar to that used by Ublock Origin or Steven Black's hosts file, in that it was a monolithic list of filter rules.

This was alright as a stopgap measure, but to the surprise of no one, the types of spam that continued to appear were innumerable in variety.

In an effort to have some filtering rather than none, the feature also went against the KES dictum about giving users choice to tweak their own settings: it was an all-or-nothing filter.

This update introduces v2 of spam filtering. The old logic has been retired, but may make a comeback at some point. A new sidebar page titled "Spam" has been added, and this will be a central place for anti-spam features.

The first of these efforts is a new filter that exposes the following options:

  • Hide posts from very new accounts

Users commented that there is no "gating" mechanism with registration, causing bogus accounts to be constantly recreated as a form of ban evasion. If you find that very new accounts have a high tendency to be spam, you can tick this setting to remove posts from very new users from the feed.

This does not block the user outright, merely hiding the post. This effectively gives some "break-in" time for the user to prove themselves. After a certain threshold, the user will fall outside of the "new account" window; if they continue to engage in spam-like behavior at that time, they should be caught by the other ban filters below.

  • Hide posts with abnormally low relative rank

Users with aggregate posting activity that does not necessarily resemble spam at first glance, but which periodically post spam/off-topic/controversial threads in the wrong communities, have a high likelihood of being astroturfers. This option hides such posts from the feed if the relative vote weight is egregiously outside the norm. Like the above, it does not block them outright.

  • Block users with spam-like activity

This feature blocks users outright if they engage in spam, mass posting, and other robotic behavior. It is less permissive than v1 of the spam filters, which failed to catch a lot of spam that was not explicitly blacklisted in the filter list. This new approach is more generic and does not need constant updating of the spam filters.

By default, all three options are enabled. I find this combination gives the best results so far. Note that infinite scrolling should be enabled for best results, and it may take a little while when navigating to a magazine for the results to be filtered.

Give it a try and see if this negates the spam issue or improves your experience. What other filter options would you like to see added?

The remainder of the changelog follows:


Filter advertisements (@shazbot)

Location: Spam > Filter advertisements

Updated filtering logic to v2, as described in the preamble of this post.

Collapse pinned posts (@shazbot)

Location: Threads > Collapse pinned posts

This simple feature groups together pinned posts on the magazine index and collapses them by default. Click the toggle area at the top of the magazine index to expand pinned posts. This is especially useful on magazines with many pinned posts that are not regularly archived, such as /m/kbinmeta.


Added the helper function isThread() to the API. This returns true if the current window location is a thread inside of a magazine. This can be used to abort if the feature is intended to only apply on the thread index. In the future, a more expanded function will be provided that returns the type of page from a list of enums.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 5 points 4 months ago

Using this approach, I am seeing none of those posts on /science. I updated the filters a bit today. The top post is a legitimate article from 2024-04-13 and is by HeartyBeast.

Now, I understand that this is seen as an unnecessary step (too fancy) for some. People want zero ads out of the box without anything extra. So I'm thinking about the next approach here.

Framing the problem:

  • Filtering should be automatic
  • End-user wants zero additional setup
  • There is no active upstream development
  • It's not possible to inherit moderation of a magazine due to some queue of moderator application requests that is not being approved

The third point and fourth points are important here, since that's currently intractable. You can't reconcile zero additional setup with that.

But let's suppose becoming moderator of a defunct magazine (point 4) were possible while point 3 remained unresolved. In other words, at least moderators can try to pick up the pieces. Something being underestimated here is how annoying it would be for the moderator to manually cull posts every single day. I think you would have instant turnover after a couple of weeks once the tedium sets in. Manual solution is not good. Clearly, automation is needed on the moderation side.

So assuming you could actually inherit a magazine, but with no guarantee of upstream development, what about restructuring the tool above so that it's for moderators, instead of end-users? That's pretty easy, and I could make it something the moderator clicks once and it's done, auto-banning the posts. This is a pretty good method.

But you can't inherit moderation right now, so that's back to square one.

Realistically, that leaves these options at the moment:

  • Wait (a long time) and see
  • Use the tool above and make magazines readable, albeit at some sacrifice of convenience (?)
  • Migrate to another instance

Third approach is the path of least resistance and is best for most casual users. Second is for diehards who cannot move instances due to some personal or technical reason. First approach is the most annoying and eventually leads to the third approach after frustration sets in.

Pick your poison, I guess. I can't think of any other prophylactic approach at the moment, maybe this comment triggers some idea.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by shazbot@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

The blurb below is excerpted verbatim from the release notes. For the full release notes, see here.

Repository: KES

Many of you are aware of the "canned meat" problem on kbin.social, with some magazines being inundanted with garbage posts.

The latest version of KES ships with an experimental new feature you can enable that attemps to filter these posts and block the users who posted them based on certain heuristics.

This feature is experimental, but I see a lot of users voicing frustration at the problem, so now seems like a good time to start collecting feedback. You can start using this feature immediately and it should not have any adverse effects, but its coverage is still being expanded.

You can find it under General > Filter advertisements. For best results, it should be used in conjunction with infinite scrolling enabled in the kbin sidebar, so that new content is loaded in as posts are removed.

As you navigate through a magazine, KES will remove offending posts from the index and then permanently block the user of the post. This feature is also preventive, as variations of posts made under different usernames will continue to be flagged. The goal is to avoid the tedious process of "whack-a-mole" and cull these posts without manual intervention.

Initially, KES will be removing posts from the index, but as it builds your blocklist up for you, such posts will stop appearing in the thread index altogether, and you should see the overall signal to noise ratio improving. Outside of your blocklist, subsequent posts that meet certain criteria will continue to be culled regardless or when or where they appear.

I am currently using /m/science and /m/opensource as a control. If you navigate to those magazines and compare the results before and after enabling this feature, the difference should be clear. After enabling the feature and scrolling all the way back to 2023, there should be few if any unsolicited ads on the page.

Hopefully this improves readability and encourages participation in communities that otherwise seemed impenetrable at first glance. In fact, once you scrub the garbage posts, you'll be surprised to find that there are legitimate posts being made fairly frequently in these seemingly "dead" communities--the posts were just buried in the heap.

However, canned meat comes in a lot of different flavors, and each magazine has slightly different permutations. The coverage in this initial version is not exhaustive, but it attempts to be thorough. This should greatly cut down on the most annoying ads. If there are specific (most likely unmoderated) magazines you are still having a problem with, please leave a comment listing the magazine. You don't need to point to specific posts or users; the magazine name is enough here for me to analyze what kinds of posts are appearing.

Some additional notes:

  • For the time being, this feature does not report the post to the magazine's moderator (usually nonexistent). By kbin's design, a post can only be reported at most by a single user, so this seemed like a reduplication of efforts to me. But auto-report can be added if necessary.
  • This feature works on any instance, but is chiefly designed for kbin.social and is probably unnecessary elsewhere.
  • I have not taken a look at microblogs yet, so I don't know if this problem is happening there, too (please let me know). For now, this works on the thread index of magazines.
  • For best results (if you want to quickly bootstrap your blocklist), I suggest enabling the feature and scrolling through an affected magazine for awhile with infinite scroll on to build up the blocklist as new posts load in, then refreshing the page if necessary.
  • The "random threads" sidebar is fundamentally flawed because it shows content even if you've already blocked it. So I recommend enabling General > Hide sidebar elements > Random threads in conjunction with this feature.
submitted 5 months ago by shazbot@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

KES is the Kbin Enhancement Suite.

This is just an update to note that the tool has undergone a total quality audit to ensure that all of its add-ons support both kbin and mbin instances and behave in an expected fashion regardless of which instance type you are using.

If you had previously tried KES on an mbin-type instance and encountered anomalous behavior, you should now find that it has full compatibility.

The full release notes can be found here

submitted 6 months ago by shazbot@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

"EXIT" -- Export Across Instances Tool

This is a simple and self-contained tool that helps automate the process of exporting your magazine subscriptions from one instance to another, provided you have accounts on both.

Could also be used to copy subscriptions from one named account to another named account on the same instance, or to back them up for later.

Instructions and tool available here

Code runs locally in your browser only.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

I have filed your suggestion here

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

KDE is a desktop environment for Linux (K Desktop Environment).

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago

Yes, the option can be found under Threads > Permanently hide posts within KES. Note that due to its design, you may briefly see such content when the page loads in but before it is scrubbed out.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 7 points 1 year ago

Take a look at KES and the option Navbar > Add subs to navbar, which puts a direct link at the top of the page.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There is no server load, I am talking about the equivalent to cookies: sessionStorage and localStorage. Albeit small, the performance drag comes from parsing a growing list of IDs, and the fact that 5MB is shared across the entire browser for all scripts and applications, and the aforementioned security consideration. When I said "we have to store," I was talking about the localStorage method. Also, KES should never callback to a remote server to store settings, we are against that.


Original 1.0.0 release post here

Thanks to your detailed bug reports and the tireless efforts of our contributors, KES has undergone significant stability changes and has been upgraded with a more robust API framework to support the different flavors of GreaseMonkey, TamperMonkey, ViolentMonkey, etc.

If you had tried the previous version but could not get it working on GreaseMonkey/iOS, now is the time to try again.

In addition, this version brings a host of usability improvements, as well as a few new mods. Notably, this includes the Notifications Panel by @blobcat, which was highly asked for.

With this stability brush-up, this release paves the way for a stable foundation we can start adding many more mods to. If there is one you would like to see included, feel to drop a request here.

Notable feature additions:

  • Notifier on wrench icon if updates to KES are available
  • Transparent Mode: click the icon to see behind the KES menu and check changes on the page; click again to return
  • Reset button: clear all saved KES settings and reset
  • Clipboard button: copy system information to clipboard (used when submitting bug reports)
  • Notifications Panel (@blobcat): adds a navbar bell icon that opens notifications in an iframe
  • Bug-report-from-post: post contents of a message directly to the KES bug tracker
  • Display total number of add-ons enabled in header

Existing users:
The latest release is available through the install update button on KES, or through your extension manager.

New users:
The latest release is available here.
If you are a new user, see the docs for additional information and usage guides.

Mod authors:
This release ships with safeGM(), a shim which handles cross compatibility between the different GM APIs.
You can call this shim by passing it standard GM_ or GM. (4.0) commands without the prefix and pass the usual arguments.
A detailed explanation of this and other new utility functions is available here

There is also better support for fields like reset buttons, ranges (sliders), and number inputs. Now you can prompt users for a numerical input or tweak the value of a setting, or revert them to their initial values.

A total rewrite of the documentation now includes integration examples, sample code, and discussion of how KES handles
mutation observer events for you. This should make it even easier than before to port your scripts.

If you would like to contribute more actively to the development of KES, be it through testing, graphics, administrative issues, or code contributions, please feel free to reach out.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

GreaseMonkey is a bit antique by today's standards--is it possible to use TamperMonkey? Also, can you provde the OS, Firefox, and GreaseMonkey version numbers? We are trying to reconcile these differences between extensions internally so that the tool is more agnostic to different browser extensions. This is a high priority at the moment.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 5 points 1 year ago

Sure, I've already implemented that once before in kbin-css, so it's very easy to port over to KES. Will include in the next round of add-ons

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago

I don't think that's ever proven to be the case, sounds more like something cynical that Reddit would do. If it were me, I'd rather focus on actual structural, backend improvements than entertaining the whims of users who want rainbow-colored buttons or dancing emoji. We are talking about utterly trivial changes here like nudging an element here or recoloring an element there. Individually, they are rather pointless, but in aggregate, it can be helpful for a user to dial things in to their liking via a centralized HUD. I still mod every site, game, and every piece of software I use to my liking, that's just the nature of the beast IMO. Incidentally, I think the owner of the site has been fairly encouraging and accommodating towards our cottage industry of modders!

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago

I feel this is my fault for not sufficiently testing against ViolentMonkey; apologies. I have made a few hotfixes now that should ensure the manager itself functions as intended. As for the comment collapsing add-on, that is the responsibility of @artillect, but I've suggested a fix and it should be making its way into the app presently.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

I think the analogy is akin to hotrodding. Some third party modifications may make their way back to the original manufacturer, but there is always a desire/need among enthusiasts for more outlandish proposals that may not align with the vision of the original maker. Particularly when they involve subjective aesthetic details. If anything, the open-source ecosystem has shown itself to be robust to fragmentation, with 19,000 ways of solving the same problem that are generally interoperable with each other, so I don't think it's a bad thing per se, but rather a strength.

[-] shazbot@kbin.social 11 points 1 year ago

Hello, this is a client-side theme focused on high readability and removing extraneous visual widgets and icons. It is based on the way I liked to read content on that "other site."


For better or worse, the current kbin layout is very "mobile" in design and not the best for reading longform text on a desktop. This theme focuses on easing the layout and hopefully making threads look more forumlike.

It does take a "scorched earth" approach in removing stuff I don't like, but everything that starts disabled can be enabled again via the radio buttons provided, allowing you to toggle on/off various widgets on the fly.

This includes:

  • sidebar
  • footer
  • activity
  • thumbnails
  • previews
  • short description
  • avatars
  • upvotes, downvotes, or both
  • icons
  • elements of the text submission form
  • numerous other elements

In addition, you can change the base color scheme via the color picker in order to globally control things like:

  • body color
  • link colors
  • upvote/downvote colors
  • blockquotes, code blocks, input fields
  • hover/focus color
  • text color
  • etc.

Disclaimer: I have tested this at 1440P on a desktop environment at various scaling levels and dimensions and it seems to mostly be OK. I have not extensively checked for glitches on mobile aside from some rudimentary mocking. If you find something wrong, feel free to make a PR or inbox me.

Frontend is not my main focus area, so there may be some anti-patterns or things that are objectively stupid, particularly around the way I manipulated elements on the grid. Again, if something is being implemented wrongly here, please advise.

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