[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 62 points 1 month ago

I can (and do) cosplay as characters of both genders at times. I say this because I noticed that while we can cosplay as male characters, a guy cosplaying as a female character automatically has connotations of non-binarism for some reason.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 50 points 4 months ago

Facial recognition technology. Not only is it not as perfect as people claim in identifying people, but some countries are using it to attack the LGBT since it was discovered the LGBT have different variances in facial features. And yet that's not even 100% perfect, so now you have a bad technology for a negative purpose repurposed into another negative purpose that it's causing collateral damage with because it's as awful at that as the first thing.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 52 points 4 months ago

Harry Potter. People often talk about a "golden age" of JK Rowling, and I think to myself, what golden age? Harry Potter, both the character and the books, are written like a hyperinflated Cinderella, complete with an attempt at discriminatory apologetics that would make CS Lewis say "you okay bro?"

Also, Luke Skywalker. People hate Anakin for being whiny and weak and Rey for being a Mary Sue, but Luke is both and nobody complains.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 77 points 5 months ago

Socializing. Things to say in a conversation don't come to me naturally like they seem to do with other people. Often people remark it's like talking to a wall because I don't know how to come up with an answer to their open questions on the fly. And without that, they see no foundation to build friendship on.


OMG, it's incredibly, profoundly difficult to talk about this.

Here you have such a verbally unmatched phenomenon with so much of that weird colliding context and fluctuation in generic communicability that you might as well explain to a 2D entity how the third dimension works.

It is a miracle I even was able to recognize it by name when I first came across it.

In ancient times, it was said that the Persians would debate their ideas once sober and once under the influence in order to align clarity with perspective, and here you have this thing, which sees this and is like "hold my beer", fading in and out like old age, flickering the old internal lights without anyone's planned consent, and misguiding thought navigation.

I cannot speak for everyone, but there are a number of us who will tell you they don't dare write fiction (or nonfiction?) if there isn't absolutely every reason to believe they're in the safe zone, mind's eye, verbal recall, and comprehension (including that of relevance, which already has a relative nature) be damned, further complicated by the "there are different kinds" which ranks it in the realm of "phases", "moodiness", and "DID alters" (my step-step-kids each can attest experience with one of those three).

What does your own mind match it up with?


I don't know if this is something people say in other countries, but in my country, there's this common cliché or "wisdom" where adults will assure you that the people who picked on you in environments like school will universally develop lives of hardship later on, one way or another getting into mayhem.

I asked my mother one day what happened to all those people growing up. I can sense she may have been sugar coating it, but she said something along the lines of "well, I waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and became a teacher, and waited some more, and finally watched as my bullies had to go into retirement five years late, yay" (okay, not really like that, but it might as well have been).

Yeah, common theme in my experience that what we hope for is never "that" set in stone. No matter where in the community (or even long-distance communicating) you knew them from, based on life, how much approximate correspondence do you associate with that mindset in the first paragraph?


Would any of you like to be a mod? With the way things are going, we're looking for equal numbers lemm.ee and lemmy.world mods. If you'd like to apply, tell us about yourself below, let it flow.


How was it spent?


I've been logged into Discord for a while, but I came on ten minutes to check my notifications. One of the messages was a friend request, which I accepted.

A split second after I pressed Clyde's greeting feature, it logged me out of Discord on its own. I went to log back in and it asked me to re-verify my email address. I found it startling since Discord has known my email address for years.

I got in fine and everything seems to be where it was left after the last time I closed the site, but things like that make me wonder if I'm supposed to ask if something else is up. Did Discord think I spammed (it definitely didn't say so), was it a new development in routine, was it a glitch, etc. Protocol is unstatic on there which is why I ask.


I hear a lot of anecdotes about things people find on the highway. I have family members who say they found a free couch on the highway. A friend of a friend said they found a board game set on the highway. Then today a family member was talking about a cat they adopted, and I asked how she ended up with one (she doesn't like cats), and she said "oh we found her on the highway, we're surprised nothing happened to her".

Is this a common thing? What's the most unexpected thing you found while on the highway?

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 65 points 8 months ago

All I'd need is one. She'd do doppelgänger work and keep me company sentimentally as well as fulfill, ahem, physical needs.


They say to err is human. We can be caught off-guard in a number of different ways as accidents seem to be able to spring up from anything. However, some of the things we mention as accidents often inspire question marks in peoples' head as they don't come off as things that couldn't arise as intentional, for one reason or another. A lot of those old "what would you do if you accidentally ____" anime memes come to mind.

The other day, someone was talking about accidentally showing up for church taking off their outerwear (it's etiquette to not wear that while in church) only to realize afterward they forgot to put on a shirt, which meant they realized they were bare. People seemed amazed that this could be "a slip" but then it would seem the idea of "out of sight out of mind" put it all into context when discussed the right way (in a wardrobe way) and everyone suddenly sunk it in. It's amazing how one thing changes everything if one gets what I mean.

What's the most "unimaginable accident" you've ever had?


I ask inspired by experiences with Google. Google/YouTube, for as long as I can remember, always had a strange habit of assuming absolutely anyone even near to you is you. Back when I had my first YouTube account (which was also back when I was in a completely different part of the world), for the last few years of having it, it had my sister's channel listed under "alternate accounts" and it wouldn't even ask me for the password to log into her account, I could simply click over to it like it was nothing (led to a lot of sister rivalry moments). Of note, on a less severe scale, something akin to this mindset is also credited to leading me to witnessing a documented and verifiable triple banning of cherished accounts, how lovely.

So yeah, my first curious hypothetical question I have of the year. How common/normal would this stance be on the net, with something like 2FA where it could mean the difference between data and makeshift DNA (secondary question, does it actually work as well as touted years ago)?


Sleep is one of the biggest game changers or Achilles heel factors, for a lack of a better way to put it, when going about one's life. You could say that the majority of the body and mind and half of everything in society itself can trace itself at least indirectly to adequate sleep, and many have said the reputation of the job market (if not already due to its dependence on everyone having transportation) due to its connection to disasters such as Chernobyl, the Exxon oil spill, and the challenger explosion is threatened by the opposite. The old wisdom to "remember the human" (which in any case a normal job routine by its inflexible nature doesn't do) comes to mind here, especially considering how basic sleep is supposed to be compared to the potentially tens of thousands of little quirks in our strengths and weaknesses that many of us are said to have which are like nails in the road to ignore in the workplace.

This all makes me want to ask, what are your hours? Are you a morning lark or a night owl? And what is your sleep ritual/routine?

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 50 points 10 months ago

Wear a covid mask. Sounds simple, but the issue was everywhere. You could say it was history's most destructive example of toxic masculinity, especially when the protests kicked off and people were (and still do) denying any damage had been occurring due to that.

I made a big deal when it happened because I for one hate dress codes, yet dress codes were and still are somehow fine and something you're not allowed to argue against, all the while something that was actually practical as well as small was like peoples' kryptonite, so I remain in a lowkey boycott over dress codes if the business was apathetic to antiviral measures.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 66 points 10 months ago

Scientists discovered the source of multiple sclerosis to be the mononucleosis family of viruses.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 63 points 10 months ago

That you can leave the interrogation room any time you want if you're being questioned for a crime.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 57 points 1 year ago

I'm a woman and didn't know we all grew breasts until I asked about my own.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 68 points 1 year ago

Red flag: My friend once saw what looked like people setting a RadioShack ablaze and stealing all the expensive electronics and making off with them all.

Green flag context: It was actually a faulty electronic that caused the fire, and the "thieves" were Good Samaritans saving everything from getting burned.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 76 points 1 year ago

I'll tell you when I discover it's a lie.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 56 points 1 year ago

The Gunpowder Plot. Guy Fawkes and his friends were about to blow up parliament, and on the week it was supposed to happen, one of his accomplices sent a letter to a noble. In what was probably the worst example of "asking for a friend" in history, it asked "hypothetically, what would happen if someone went into the basement and blew up parliament". The noble did what nobody expected he would do and, get this, responded to the letter. People searched the palace basement and found Guy Fawkes, he was arrested and killed, and we have Guy Fawkes Day. The reason this led to a loss is because the king of England at the time used it as an excuse to persecute Catholics and make the holiday which is used as a taunt.

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