[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

tbf, we don't know much about the movie yet. Sure the CGI creatures are godawful but maybe the writing will be decent?... well probably not

the only hope i have is that Minecraft is big enough of a name that they'd allow the creators to take financial risks, such as: being creative

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

but what about the 5 knives and 3 spoons i've used preparing the ingredients :(

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

isn't it logical to think that though?

bread requires figuring out that ground up grain with water can be poured onto a rock heated up by fire and made into a tasty pancake thingy

a knife requires a sharp rock, a stick, and a bit of rope made out of tightly twisted plant fibers

i'm reasonably confident if i was thrown into a jungle i'd be able to DIY myself a basic knife within a day or two, perhaps even before getting mauled by wild animals. Bread though? Even with the foresight of knowing what i need i'd struggle. Rocks, sticks, and plants are pretty much everywhere. Where do i find wild grain??

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

dang that is fascinating! Amazing to see someone with vast knowledge on what seems to be a deeply confusing topic, thank you!

also, goodness, no offence if you're religious but i have no idea how Christianity is treated any different from Greek mythology and the sort - the sources of faith for both are all over the place. Sure Christianity has just one god, but there is an awful lot of different versions of him

and sure you could justify it with various logic like - Satan spreads misinformation, and it's up to the chosen of God to pick out the truth, but if the God's alleged chosen disagree what then? How is one supposed to follow this religion and learn from its teachings if every sect/denomination claims they're the only correct one?

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 10 points 3 days ago

if someone is like, half of the described vampire i don't mind. Honestly it feels strange to have our ancient way of finding things out (asking your friends if they know) be somehow seen as wrong nowadays. I want to learn from other human being, not disembodied pieces of information oftentimes tied to ads for driver updating software

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 19 points 3 days ago

What sparked my "hmm" neurons the most in your comment is that there are canonical parts of the Bible that sound like someone was having a bad trip too - The book apocalypse or however it is properly called. It describes in detail a vision of death, destruction, animals morphing into animals, has a barely coherent plot, everything is soaking in mystic symbolism - it has all the parts of a bad trip, and yet it's always treated by religious people as at least a valid metaphor of things to come, and not ramblings of someone who ate the wrong cactus in the desert

why make a special exception for this bad trip, and not the other one with an evil yahwe? It really feels to me like the church is cherry picking things to suit their own narrative, instead of somehow dealing with all the apocryphal sources they just ignore them

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 26 points 3 days ago

Every work of artistic expression, from painting, through photography, all the way to fantasy improv, is a little window into who you are

the imaginary you is being put in various situations, mysteries, plots, and they have to figure out their way to victory! (and at the same time reveal exactly how you appraoch problem solving, how your logic works, and what assumptions you make)

it's like the random shapes test but you don't even realise you're doing it

though it could get significantly harder to see through the layers of fantasy if you're dealing with experienced roleplayers playing their 50th character

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 38 points 4 days ago

that's why i fucking love loss, it keeps popping up in more and more ridiculous and subtle ways, it's beautiful

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 31 points 4 days ago

yeah those exist. Anarchists oppose hierarchies, not meet ups

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 46 points 4 days ago

don't forget psychadelics had the same fate! made illegal becuase they had "corrosive effects on cultural values" (had to put hippies in jail for being too peaceful)

[-] shneancy@lemmy.world 105 points 5 days ago

i know you're joking but fuck, sometimes it do be like that.

Obviously nobody should infantalise people suffering from depression by telling them to "just be happy", "go outside" etc. but if you're malnourished, have vitamin deficiencies, don't go out to hang out with the human tribe, and sit in your home the entire day without moving - you're going to feel like shite. Fixing those problems won't cure clinical depression, but the other way round is true too - getting meds for depression won't cure you of feeling like shit if you don't use the chance they give you to try to improve your life yourself.

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