It still bothers me 30 years later that in the DC vs Marvel, Wolverine beat Lobo... Shouldn't have happened to someone that beat up Superman because a guy at a bar said he couldn't...
Just use Snapraid & MergerFS. No special Hardware required and you don't need to change what is on your disks.
From a quick search:
This is the best answer I've seen in this whole thread. You're right that the key is not needed. Microsoft identified your system components and did the original activation based on the hardware you've got on your computer. All you need to do to bring back a licensed copy of Windows is to reinstall it.
I get alerts on my Android for an Airtag I keep in my backpack all the time. My phone gives me the option to make the Airtag play a sound.
On Debian, you have to be root or a sudoer. Those commands are there, just not in the path of regular users.
Probably not that deep. I've heard there are definitely discounts. That doesn't count for much though when it still increases your cost 6x.
To be fair to the Dune universe, the reason they used swords was because shields made projectile weapons useless and Lasguns and shields just killed everyone (like a mini-nuke on both sides).
I don't think I appreciated God Emperor until after my 4th read through of the series. Frank Herbert definitely has a great insight into the human condition. Soul Catcher and The Godmakers come to mind most readily but his entire body of work explore different facets of humankind.
At first I thought this might be a hilarious dig on Canada since they haven't won the cup since 1993... not sure if you're serious.
If you're having power on issues, I would make sure you are using a standalone power brick. I've used a Surface Pro for work and I've found that sometimes when connected to the docking station, it wouldn't power on. When connected to a standalone power brick it usually would. For a standalone power brick, I've used both the one that came with the Surface and also a 65W USB-C adapter with a USB-C to Surface per cable.
To your point, geostationary satellites are in orbits around 22,300 miles away while Starlink is in a LEO orbit ~342 miles away. At the speed of light, that's an additional quarter second round trip time minimum. Absolutely forever in internet speeds. My experience with GEO is a latency >550ms round trip. With the TCP/IP protocol built the way it is (aka, three-way handshake), a webpage wouldn't even start downloading until almost 2 seconds have passed.
Puerto Rico is not autonomous. In Puerto Rico v. Sanchez Valle, the US Supreme Court found that sovereignty of Puerto Rico ultimately resides in the United States Congress. The US Congress can pass a law for Puerto Rico and there is nothing anyone in the Puerto Rican government can do about it. US Congress has ultimate control over Puerto Rico (see as an example). That isn't autonomous.
"If Congress chose to alter Puerto Rico’s political status, it could do so through statute regardless of whether a plebiscite were held or what sentiment such a vote revealed." Political Status of Puerto Rico: Brief Background and Recent Developments for Congress (