Holy shit. I live in a prominent city in the Midwest and tickets are only $11 to $12.
Sure but I don't think we've ever had a candidate with so many former hand picked aids warn us about the end of democracy if he's reelected.
Preachers kid who also turned out to be queer. I was terrified of getting spanked. Years of my parents telling me my ass was part of my private area and no one should ever touch it then my father pulling my underwear down and spanking me seriously fucked me up.
Exactly this. If she turns on Isreal she will lose the election. I think it's realistic to think that she will have more criticisms on Isreal after she is elected. She's not a Zionist like Biden.
You're not wrong. It all sucks. But this is the reality we live in. Life is about choosing the best choices out of the options given to us and very rarely are any of those choices exactly what we want.
Yeah, I've really been surprised by the amount of negative press on Trump. He seems like himself to me.
After exclusively using android for 10 years I switched to an iPhone. Only regret is not doing it sooner.
Yeah I'm right there with you. Biden has accomplished a lot. I don't agree with everything he's said or done but as a whole he's done a fantastic job turning America around. If he can beat Trump once he can beat him again and that is paramount. Plus it gives dems another 4 years to start pushing younger more progressive candidates into the spotlight.
He said what a lot of us are thinking.
Okay McConnell says government shut downs are a loser for republicans politically. Why though? I assumed at this point they could do whatever they wanted and no one in their party would care. Are their doners getting money from the government or something?
This has been my takeaway with a lot of news the last year or two. As depressing as the headlines have been, I'm starting to see an underline shift in public perception. There's a growing fear in the politicians, celebrities, and billionaires at the top that once thought they were untouchable. They're not the idols they used to be.
I honestly had the same thought too. I don't really get hungry, at least not the same way people describe it. It sounds awful.