[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 25 points 4 months ago

We're potentially one election - and one big mac-related cardiac arrest - away from our first nooticer president. The American Experiment is on the verge of failure.

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 18 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

In particular, two semantic tricks are used. First, the fact that current genetic markers aren't a good prediction for IQ heritability is used as an argument against it. The other likely explanation that our understanding of those markers is widely incomplete is not explored.

Unlike our understanding of IQ, the game of matching shapes where the loser gets a teen pregnancy. That's been fully explored.

No, intelligence is not like height (theinfinitesimal.substack.com)

It earned its "flagged off HN" badge in under 2 hours



Ali Breland has written some fantastic entry pieces on the new right, including right wing anons and maga tech; now he has an article about the nooticers

Other anonymous far-right accounts have accrued more than 100,000 followers by posting about the supposed links between race and intelligence. Elon Musk frequently responds to @cremieuxrecueil, which one far-right publication has praised as an account that “traces the genetic pathways of crime, explaining why poverty is not a good causal explanation.” Musk has also repeatedly engaged with @Eyeslasho, a self-proclaimed “data-driven” account that has posted about the genetic inferiority of Black people. Other tech elites such as Marc Andreessen, David Sacks, and Paul Graham follow one or both of these accounts. Whom someone follows in itself is not an indication of their own beliefs, but at the very least it signals the kind of influence and reach these race-science accounts now have.


[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 19 points 7 months ago

As Delegate of San Francisco, what should you do with these people? I think the answer is clear: alternative energy. Since wards are liabilities, there is no business case for retaining them in their present, ambulatory form. Therefore, the most profitable disposition for this dubious form of capital is to convert them into biodiesel, which can help power the Muni buses.

Jesus Christ

Okay, just kidding. This is the sort of naive Randian thinking which appeals instantly to a geek like me, but of course has nothing to do with real life. The trouble with the biodiesel solution is that no one would want to live in a city whose public transportation was fueled, even just partly, by the distilled remains of its late underclass.

Oh ok, that's less(?) terrible

However, it helps us describe the problem we are trying to solve. Our goal, in short, is a humane alternative to genocide. That is: the ideal solution achieves the same result as mass murder (the removal of undesirable elements from society), but without any of the moral stigma. Perfection cannot be achieved on both these counts, but we can get closer than most might think

Jesus Christ

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 25 points 8 months ago

Reminds me of that dude who's obsessed with opera's fuck huge head and is convinced that she's a modern day Yakub because of it.


submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by slopjockey@awful.systems to c/sneerclub@awful.systems

...And if it weren't for that one joke by Hannibal, Bill Cosby would be very uncontroversial.

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 26 points 8 months ago

Wow, the commenters seem surprisingly...not ok with the guest choices. Especially Hannania

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 17 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

One problem with discussing this is that we here arguably have an asymmetric discourse situation.

"I'd like to tell you my thoughts on these various eugenicists, but they would be ~~repulsive~~, ~~fedposts~~, impossible to convey accurately in public discourse.

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 19 points 9 months ago

What the fuck any of this mean? What could this be in response to? Was there a bogo deal on $5 words?

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 19 points 9 months ago

That's what everybody who's into HBD looks like

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 25 points 9 months ago

These people are full of shit popping off like they do after THREE kids. Big fucking deal, my parents had three, and my brother and I were accidents. And they let us have heat in the winter and they didn’t hit us. Three is still normal!

There are some more lovely sneers in r/longreads


[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 17 points 9 months ago

This is part of a whole thing where the journalist keeps presenting their framing without question.

Yuuup, and at no point is it explicitly mentioned that what they're doing is entirely unfeasible on a societal level. How on Earth will a couple dozen rationalist having 4, 7, or even 11 kids make up for the hundreds of millions of women in America having 1.5? Or the billions of women having under 2.1 kids in the rest of the world.

On top of that, they only have 3 kids and they've already put a shit ton of time and sunk themselves over half a million in debt just for housing and childcare. I absolutely believe these two can afford it, but this isn't something most Americans can achieve, much less most global families. One couple trying to outfuck global population decline would be like if I tried to end global poverty by becoming really, really rich.

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 58 points 11 months ago

At first I wondered why a post about a man disavowing white supremacy wasn't NSFW; but it's because he didn't get any better? He's not a white supremacist because white supremacy is too inclusive and not racist enough against the shittier whites? He concluded that an ENTIRE GEOGRAPHICAL REGION was genetic backwash before he considered self-reflection?

It is completely insane what the substack/X combo is doing to young men. It's like CTE but concentrated entirely on the part of your brain that lets you tolerate other races.

[-] slopjockey@awful.systems 19 points 11 months ago

The follow-up destroyed me

How many kids have you fathered for the cause, Charles?

The ~~neo-nazis~~ ~~groypers~~ ~~reactionaries~~ Caucasian enjoyers have reached peak levels of eating each other


This has convinced me more and more that the only possible way forward that’s not a dystopian hellscape is total freedom of all AI for anyone to do with as they wish. Anything else is forcing values

This dude also posts a direct link to a race-bait bluecheck two comments down, further cementing hn AI threads as downstream frog twitter.

I know this one might be stretching it a bit, but every comment on this post is sneer-worthy, every single one.

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