Received my Susu set and have to say I'm enamored with it, there's just something about the satin feel and the way it cups your fingertips is just so right - I have a tendency to lightly feather the home row in between typing/composing text and best I can put it: gentle gliding vs. skidding compared to GMK/DMK CYL. Photos posted online seems to really highlight the grains and it was my main concern as I have the original pbt MT3 /dev/tty and really disliked the gritty texture not to mention the height, but once I opened the box and ran my fingers over the Enter key I was sold. Also being thockier and deeper sounding on the down stroke is a plus. Did lose about 3-5 wpm testing on monkeytpe but it's to be expected as I'm a long time GMK CYL user so I expect a few days to get back to speed. Very pleased over all but slightly dreading rebuying some of the CYL coloways I really liked once designers start releasing their MTNU versions.
You definitely have a winner Matt3o, thanks!
And for people who goes: "ewww GMK...abs yuck" - No, it's pbt.
I'm going to against the grain a bit. If you liked and want the oldschool Thinkpad feel, look into getting a Topre board. Check out Leopold or Niz, both are decent topre clone brands.
Also, if you live in a metro area check and see if there's a mechanical board gathering, possibly giving you a broader flavor of what's out there that might fit your taste.