BUUUTT, you are able to exist there.
Yeah, buy a reusable one, whats the fkin problem with this??
Why is he not President? Why is it just the two other fuxkers?
So having US cemtral bank controlling the own currency.
Very well tgought through
Mach bitte ein Ethan dran. Dann hast wenigstens was davon
The tech is in its kidsshoes, all this pushing for new technologies is almost like a hidden excuse for.continouing their fossil bullshit.
Der saugt dann auch den schweiß auf. Gute idee
The 10 year jail time is just for when you throw your cigarett butt on the ground, CEOs will pay max 3%, and because it was the first 5 times they get 2.5% less.
And in the end, the ceo promises (WITH CROSSED FINGERS!) he will never do it again, and just plants some trees.
"So ne schöne Landachaft! Zum glück keine Solarschwindelanlagen oder Vogelschredderräder die einem die Natur zerstören!!1!1!n!"
- mit größter wahrscheinlichkeit CSU wähler
Bro. The way the US treated afgahnistan doesn't help people to look up to what the US has in mind for the country...