sure I don’t NEED to be a utility monster, but I WANT to be a utility monster
I’m a few minutes into the video. If this really is a libertarian screed, then the fact that they choose Singapore as their opening example is wild.
BJ: "I don't know what the is-ought problem is, or why anyone cares. I am clearly qualified to declare it solved. First, let me google what the definition of 'is' is, and also what 'ought' is. Then I'll use some science words to hot glue the two things together, and BAM! Solved. Another win for e/acc."
I am gonna sue you for psychological damage how dare u. Also because the version you simulated in your brain is the same as a real person u are getting sued twice for extra money. I’m gonna donate so much money to MIRI
Immediately what comes to mind is Bill Burr’s bit about drug use in cycling and how we should pit roided up guys against other roided dudes. So maybe the idea came from there.
Also, important to point out that D’Souza is not an MD, just for context. (I mean it should be obvious from him pushing PEs in this way)
“And what is performance medicine about? It’s not about steroids and getting jacked muscles. It’s about being a better, stronger, faster, younger athlete for longer”
Ok but what physically makes you stronger or faster? It’s not, say, confidence borne from the magic juice you’re proposing. It’s the jacked muscles. Borne from said magic juice.
“No one within athletics takes the Enhanced Games seriously,” said Lord Sebastian Coe, head of World Athletics, on a recent podcast.
I mean that’s just because they haven’t thrown enough money into the pit yet. Hope you’re listening Pete!
I’m not criticizing Rufo and Brunet.
Why not, you hypocritical fuck?
missing or rather eliding
This is one of those malice/stupidity things except it’s both. The malice is obvious but I genuinely think he is too stupid to see the manipulation at play.
to be read in the low bit cadence of SF2 Guile “ai doom!”
It’s not a huge surprise that these AI models that indiscriminately inhale a bunch of ill-gotten inputs are prone to poisoning. Fingers crossed that it makes the number go down!
FWIW the “reply” that Yud “broadly endorse[s]” is the top comment:
I read his comment in the original post and thought he was endorsing your article, which, for a moment, made me think Yud had a little more magnanimity than I’ve seen before.
RE: covalently bonded bacteria. Here’s evidence of how Yud is joking: he understands bacteria as well as I do, which is not at all. However, I know that bacteria can be spooky, so if I were Yud trying to make a joke about bacteria, I’d google for developments in bacteria research and pick some phrase that stood out.
Given that the energy cost would probably kill off a significant portion of bumblebees or something, it’d have to do a lot of damage to TESCREAL to be worth it, just on utilitarian grounds alone. Given that these people seem to lack self awareness I don’t think satire would have any appreciable effect on them.
Oh yeah to be clear: I also find this kind of reporting to be disingenuous and disgusting.