“completed” I guarantee it’s AI gen’ed. Note to self: use LLM to pump out a novel if/when I need to show I’m turning over a new leaf
Before clicking in, I was convinced that “RightMove” was some new treacles aligned community and was trying to make sense of the name
AH FUCK it's this person again. I choose not to remember rat names if I can help it but guess I gotta commit this one to memory.
There’s a lot to snark at. A few in particular:
- Scott is irrationally scared of journalism. He talks about it as if it’s an omnipresent, omnipotent spectre that swoops down on people on a whim and destroys their lives when it pleases the spectre. In reality, the “whims” are a confluence of the subject’s presence in the public consciousness and market pressures on reporting.
- Scott has no clue how power works. On one side, you have someone who resigned because of a billionaire-backed witch hunt. On the other, Oxman didn’t resign. Scott fails to see that it’s the billionaire who holds power here, and instead thinks it’s the journalists, specifically the ones that said his understanding of journalism was shit at best.
- This whole post is really an expression/extension of Scott’s victim mentality/persecution complex/“nice guy” personality, where the mean ‘jocks’ (journalists/people scott doesn’t agree with) get to ‘date the hot girls’ (by which I mean, ‘commit lots of mild misdeeds’), while the ‘nice guys’ (the eugenicist sex creeps) are shunned by society.
"Editing? Where we're going, we don't need editing!" - Absolutely not Eliezer. Too succinct.
In my pursuit of clarity and precision, the art of composition itself becomes a meticulous process of refining ideas. Each word is a deliberate stroke, contributing to the coherence of thought, rendering traditional editing superfluous. The absence of formal editing is a deliberate choice, reflecting the belief that the initial act of creation captures the most authentic expression of my intellectual journey.
Now that is what yud^1^ might say.
1: By Yud I mean a 99.9% accurate simulation of Yud using ChatGPT, which, according to rationalist doctrine, is the same thing.
Scott: "Hmm, the reputation of the EA community that I am part of and love for some reason is tanking, due to the bad actions of its luminaries. What can I do to help? I know, I'll bring up 9/11"
Empty room: "..."
"And I'll throw out some made up statistics about terrorist attacks and how statistically we were due for a 9/11 and we overreacted by having any response whatsoever. And then I'll show how that's the same as when someone big in EA does something bad."
"Especially since it's common for people to, after a big scandal, try and push their agenda to improve things. We definitely don't want that."
"Also, on average there's less SA in STEM, and even though there is still plenty of SA, we don't need to change anything, because averages."
"Anyway, time for dexy no. 5"
The moster successfullest implement eugenics. The mostest successfullest peoplest createst fascest ethnostatest
Lol, it took me single digit minutes to figure out the tweet is in fact unironic admiration of the video. What really sold me was his tweets are 90% rat shit and 10% willful consumption of IDF propaganda
Not a huge distance to travel from Bayesian reasoning to Stochastic terrorism
If you're reading this, here's a reminder to give your eyes a break from screens. If you like, you can do some eye stretches. Here's how:
- Read any of Yud's tweets
- Close your eyes
- Let your eyes roll from processing whatever drivel he's written. Try for about 30 seconds.
(To be read in the voice of an elementary schooler who is a sore loser at make believe): Nuh-uh! My AGI has quantum computers, so it doesn’t get slow from the internet, and, and, and, it builds robots, with jetpacks, and those robots have tiny robots that can go in your brain and and and make your brain explode, and if you say anything mean about me or the AGI it’ll take your brain and clone it and put wires in it and make you think youre getting like, wedgied and stuff, but really youre not but you think you are because it’s really good at making you think it
Article was short. I was pretty close!