I think you've generalized a bit too much. The gender-swapped format was not created for this exact meme, it's just a jovial commentary on male stereotypes women find unappealing. In this case, the joke isn't that she saw a stack of random games, they're all FIFA -- did you maybe not notice that? The annoying male FIFA player is a pretty well-established meme at this point.
ELI5 is not a literal request for an explanation a five year-old would understand; briefly consider how that would sound -- useless, right? It's a hyperbolic way of asking for a thorough, well-written explanation of a concept for someone who lacks the understanding to start asking the right questions or seek information on their own. There's your ELI5 ELI5.
It's not such a binary thing as winning or losing, it's a constantly shifting process. The only way to actually lose is by giving up -- instead, consider it making it as hard as possible for your privacy to be infringed upon. Sometimes it's more inconvenient, but what makes us such a farmable populace is our reluctance to be inconvenienced. Be good at being uncomfortable.
I refused, it went fine. I had to repeat myself because it was unexpected and dudebro wasn't prepared, and they had to turn on the other machine and wait for it to start up, but it only delayed me like 2 minutes. The more people ask, the easier it gets.
What would be extremely rock and roll-- punk rock, even -- is donating all of the proceeds from that show to pro-union efforts.
#DonateItDave, or something
I'm here to support.
Count #1: Guilty
Count #2: Guilty
Count #3: Guilty
Count #4: Guilty
Count #5: Guilty
Count #6: Guilty
Count #7: Guilty
Count #8: Guilty
Count #9: Guilty
Count #10: Guilty
Count #11: Guilty
Count #12: Guilty
Count #13: Guilty
Count #14: Guilty
Count #15: Guilty
Count #16: Guilty
Count #17: Guilty
Count #18: Guilty
Count #19: Guilty
Count #20: Guilty
Count #21: Guilty
Count #22: Guilty
Count #23: Guilty
Count #24: Guilty
Count #25: Guilty
Count #26: Guilty
Count #27: Guilty
Count #28: Guilty
Count #29: Guilty
Count #30: Guilty
Count #31: Guilty
Count #32: Guilty
Count #33: Guilty
Count #34: Guilty
Wow do you even respect your dog?
35k is a pretty huge amount better than 150k. Are you just trying to say that it sucks either way? Because that I agree with, but when we criticize things, we should at least have the numbers right.
He's saying lay off to 150k, not by 150k. He says getting down to that would be a 20% reduction, so that puts the then-current headcount at ~188k, so get rid of about 35-40k people.
Here's the interesting bit for me:
To begin verification, you must have at least ten gold and 100 karma, according to the code.
users will have to maintain a certain level of activity and accumulate a designated amount of gold and karma each month to remain eligible for payouts
Sounds like an attempt to drive up reddit gold sales? I deleted my account and still had that one free gold award from forever ago. Feels like the easiest way to do this is have a second account that buys gold and awards it to the primary earning account to meet the minimum.
Quick maffs $20 to get 10 gold awards, which also gives the recipient 1000 coins (worth 2 gold awards for another account, so you'll probably see subs devoted to a black market for discounted gold awards for that accumulated coin) and 10 weeks of reddit premium. It honestly sounds like a very complicated subscription.
I agree for the most part, but the one thing that I think they'll have trouble with is bots. I think they truly underestimate the work that mods and contributors did for free in raising the quality of content, and now they have to build the plane while it's flying after having booted the ones building it off, and now it's just pilots and passengers. Those uniquely impactful few that have been brushed away will hurt the most in a brain-drain kind of way.
I don't exhale, rather I just close off my airway to stop the big inhale. It sounds super uncomfortable to try exhaling at that point, but with some practice I have been able to stop the inhale and that mutes the sneeze considerably. Also, I can plug my nose when I feel it start to tickle and stop the sneeze entirely.