No one who has been formally disqualified under Section 3 was charged under the criminal “rebellion or insurrection” statute (18 U.S.C. § 2383) or its predecessors so why would Trump need to be?
Sounds like Poland is going to have to nationalize a train manufacturer.
Just like Hillary was the only person who could beat him in 2016…
I feel like we’re sleepwalking into a dictatorship because of old fucks thinking they know better and that now is their time.
Why does anyone think a former republican is anything but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Did everyone not learn their lesson in Sinema?
Imagine the shrooms kicking in in that bathroom.
Nowadays you'd probably be more likely to get a hit by putting an "Anime titties" label on the drive
Star Trek only promised that it would be a long road getting from there to here.
Wait, I was told net neutrality wasn't needed.
As a large language shit poster I am not susceptible to that attack.
Only the penitent man will pass.