Yeah, it's Centurii-chan. Here's their Insta:
You know in the game Secret Hitler when the board has sufficiently advanced into fascism that it becomes strategic for the liberals to vote fascism and unlock a bullet? Honestly makes me think of that.
Not saying this is what needs to happen. I honestly don't know how americans can do to get out of their quagmire.
[..] 43% in favour of rejoining the bloc, compared with 40% who want to stay out. But once the 18% who say they don’t know are taken out, 52% back EU membership with 48% opposing it [...]
That's not a "majority of voters", that's a "majority of people who report to know what they want". These are not the same populations.
It's a fourth-wall breaking game, a game whose characters are aware that they're in a game. Their personalities, knowledge, and awareness change throughout the game and the consistency is limited to "pathes" that you take. The devs are playing with and making fun of the rules.
No idea. Maybe donations, fees from conventions, ad revenue...?
Why wouldn't the friends like it then?
It's a crossover between two excellent games: The style is from Undertale and the depicted character and environment are from Disco Elysium
Not everyone has, or keeps their desire for sexual activity
Is it me or does this "World book" have a lot of US personalities on its spine?
Here's the socially acceptable solution, even in public: you pick it with a handkerchief on your finger.
In english, "I know you are, but what am I" is a childlish rebuttal to name-calling. It's like saying "no, it's not me, it's you" or "it's the one who says it who is".
It's the degree zero of rebuttal becaude there's no argument. In this joke, the rebuttal actually works in a court setting and seems to convince the judge.
In Belgium, we have the same thing. The explanation is that the highest point of the country is at 694 m, so they built 6 m of stairs to reach 700 m.