Uh, not really. In the story, a Jew gets injured and multiple Jews pass by without helping. Samaritans are enemies to the Jews, but the good Samaritan helps. A good Samaritan is someone that has no reason to help but still does out the goodness of their heart.
Ah non, merci du partage je m'abonne :)
Y a-t-il un site qui présente les résultats en listant les circonscriptions avec les partis en tête ? Finalement dans le système français on s'en fiche du pourcentage des vote nationaux.
Basically the rest of the maze
There has been quite some history between the revolution and the current labor rights... specifically five changes in political system including four republics and two empires. The first republic was probably less ideal than you imagine.
It's apparently early in development, but there's an ActivityPub implementation of wikis made by one of Lemmy's dev.
The GPT part is correct
Looks very nice! How are the roads where you live? Is there a risk of the back wheel not surviving curbs and potholes?
Ah sim, um dos infames nômades digitais que augmentam as rendas das grandes cidades... Um problema verdadeiro quando duas populações vivem no mesmo local com salários muito diferentes.
I think the idea of a megathread is to give the opportunity to avoid a topic that is flooding the community to people not interested.
I wonder who's the artist behind the symbol