Oh no, a fake fucking downvote from an idiot that thinks downvotes matter.
Who the fuck cares? Why the fuck do you think anyone cares?
Ah yes, that well-known financial bastion of... North Korea... where all oligarchs go to hide their money.
I don't think you know how financial transactions work.
Yes, that’s what I said; your amazon devices are giving away your wifi info to new devices.
No, they are not. You make it sound like any asshole can walk by and just turn something on and get your wifi info.
If you're worried about a device somehow being compromised between being shipped by Amazon and making it to your front door, please dispose of all electronics and go live in the woods. That level of paranoia is not reasonable.
Be more literate. Learn the difference between a question and a statement and how these things change circumstances.
Also go away. You're boring.
Hey everyone, check out the guy that thinks it's clever to go "LOL U GONNA RESPOND TO THIS."
Next post is probably "LOL I LIVE RENT FREE IN UR HED"
So I downgrade my HR assertion and now assume you're an Astros fan.
You seem like you have nothing to contribute but still feel the need to open your mouth.
You work in HR, don't you?
Almost all cultures disappear within a century or two. Do you think Canada is anything like it was 200 years ago? Shit, it's probably not even what it was like 50 years ago.
45 years ago the US overwhelmingly voted Reagan into office. That asscunt would get so fucking rejected in primaries now for being a "RINO" based on his gun control policies alone. Things change. Everything changes. When I was a kid it was totally fine to run around with a Southern Loser Flag on your shirt. Should that culture return? Some people think so.
You can either be a troglodytic conservative dingus or you can contribute to the new culture and a better tomorrow.
You're completely illiterate.
Stop talking.