[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 3 weeks ago

Sounds useful in Minecraft. Like you put a sign in a cave "exit widdershins" to tell people to follow the left wall.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 1 month ago

They’re going to keep making more powerful hardware either way, since parallel processing capability supports graphics and AI just fine.

It's not quite as simple as that. AI needs less precision than regular graphics, so chips developed with AI in mind do not necessarily translate into higher performance for other things.

In science/engineering, people want more—not less—precision. So we look for GPUs with capable 64-bit processing, while AI is driving the industry in the other direction, from 32 down to 16.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 1 month ago

king mierdas

I've heard a lot of nicknames for that man, but that one fits so perfectly, even going all the way back to his casino empire days.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 1 month ago

To me, it seems the right have been getting ever more extreme in the ugliest ways imaginable. The left, then, has to decide whether to become more inclusive of those who lean somewhat right but are feeling alienated at this point. Do they take in the refugees, or do they stick to their principles and leave a void in the middle? In short, it's an identity crisis and people are taking sides.

As a Canadian, I look at US politics and see only a centrist and right party. In some ways, the Democratic Party is further right than our Conservative Party, though the latter would certainly want to change that if we let them. There are some Democrats who are uncompromisingly left like say Bernie Sanders, but they are in the minority.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 2 months ago

I think with 50 acres, you should be able to do a lot to combat the urban heat island effect. I say this based on my bike commute which alternates between suburban subdivisions and trails over conservation land. The trails always feel noticeably cooler, even where there are no trees casting shade. The coolest spots do tend to be where have trees and/or water nearby, but even open fields feel cooler.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 6 months ago

I was thinking about face ID the other day. What if you trained it while making a funny face? So then you would have to make that face to unlock the phone and how could someone compel you to do so? It's sort of a 2-factor authentication in a way.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 6 months ago

Well, Shortcuts comes from the iOS world and is a relatively recent addition to macOS. Automator originated in macOS and I don't think it has made it over to iOS at this point?

That's not even the full extent of it though. Before Automator, there was Script Editor, which could also create script applications, but that doesn't seem to work so well anymore. Automator has become the preferred approach for that. But Script Editor is still around and is useful for looking up AppleScript dictionaries. These tell you if a given application offers special scripting support, and there are also a few general dictionaries like StandardAdditions that are worth a gander. I wish AppleScript existed for iOS.

And then there's the command line approach of using crontab to open your files with the open command. And osascript lets you run any AppleScript from the command line.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 6 months ago

I don't doubt it. It's a bit like natural selection. A good idea has better odds of taking hold and becoming a part of the next generation's knowledge base, but there are no guarantees. There are all sorts of circumstances that can affect whether this actually happens, and sometimes it's just down to dumb luck.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 6 months ago

I guess I'm essentially a flexitarian at this point, though I have never labelled myself as such. I tend to opt for non-meat options but am nowhere near vegan as I only learned after my daughter started dating one. What an incredible minefield it is! You have to sit around and analyze absolutely everything. Like can you believe pepsi is vegan but not diet pepsi?!? But diet coke is. I don't know about coke zero and am frankly afraid to ask…

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 12 points 9 months ago

Yeah I hate urban sprawl and how the city planners where I live keep wanting to perpetuate it. I commute most days on an ebike and try to drive less. The only major exception is in my side-gig as a musician in a band. Just too much gear to carry around without 4 wheels.

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 10 months ago

"And then not only are EVs more expensive, but their own salespeople are untrained. They don't even know how to answer most of the questions they get. A lot of them have 100–200 percent turnover of their sales staff in a given year," Reigersman told me.

This seems not good. I might have been slightly more sympathetic to the dealers before reading this?

[-] tunetardis@lemmy.ca 11 points 1 year ago

Beaver. They build themselves a fortress with a moat and underwater entrances and they have that big ass tail they can slap on the water.

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