Ah interesting, thanks for the correction. Though since treasuries are paid by the government is it not then still a ponzi scheme, in the fact the bonds must be redeemed to pay for shortfalls, in which case the government must tax the existing population to pay for the redeemed bond to fund the old?
If we are looking at our existing scenario with the baby boomers I'd assume we must be close to being forced to liquidate, and taxes will rise on the young for the bond repayment?
If they allowed people to opt out would it not be the case that as people opt out you'd need to raise taxes on the young as more people opted out, since none of the money actually still exists, cascading into an insolvent system just like how a standard ponzi scheme unwinds?
If you read the project 2025 document you'll see a section on the federal reserve, we seem to already be on the way there with Trump surprisingly. Which the document suggests capital punishment and a border wall, its not a document by the Fraser institute its a document crafted by Trump, you're an fool if you cant see that.
Without inflation, when you require raising taxes to actually pay for things, you'll see how much people are willing to spend for their DEI institutes and doing plays for other countries to cringe at.