Exactly if you are a hunter and are too lazy to go hunt you die of starvation. They have no idea how economies and just want the government to do everything for them while they sit home all day and play video games
Ther's nothing wrong with having many rail systems serve the same route but the bureaucracts won't let it happen, which is exactly how monopolies are formed. If the government only approves one company to build a train somewhere of course it's going to be a monopoly. Monopolies cannot happen in a completely free market, without artificial boundaries competition will always be able to provide a service more attractive to consumers expect if the established company is providing an excellent service
Ther's no competition if you have a bureaucrats approving only specific train lines if you just live it to the free market it'll be alright
Ther's ussually tolls there too
Yeah but only one can have x.com
I don’t think elon can afford to do that because it would look really bad for his other brands. I think he is better off trying to keep it somewhat alive
Who knows
I meant to type letter
I mean sure but it’s a single lute i’d get it if it was xxx
That’s pretty’s strict it’s just a letter
Dump regulations to kill the free market