You get the blood eagle and one quick pickup shot of the back of your head.


How many of you were this? Just shout "Stonky" instead of "Spartacus" and step forward, you know the drill.

[-] 1 points 2 days ago

I went to a Republican campaign launch, state level candidates were there to put some sound bites on local TV and get the volunteers hyped. The free lunch was pretty good.

[-] 5 points 2 days ago

Guys on the left look like they know what they're doing and it's going to be hella loud. Guy on the right is in a suit three times too big for him, wondering if he left the stove on. Protect your hearing, Wrinkly Tent Suit!

[-] 57 points 2 weeks ago

This is love.


That's how you know your empire building is going GREAT. IT'S FINE. WE DON'T NEED KURSK.

[-] 74 points 2 weeks ago

I'm digging this, I didn't know Germans are allowed to have fun at work.

[-] 78 points 1 month ago

Ukrainification of territory. We heard maybe Ukrainians were living there. So we here.

[-] 53 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Surely Sara Vos is just trolling herself, i.e., she wants to see an example of fjamie's artistry? Not really a shallow request for attention?


How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?

[-] 49 points 2 months ago

My post-surgery biopsy says no cancer, we removed the sad stuff just in time.


Zelenskyy= Theoden, prolly. Aging well, but so tired of the bullshit.


Glory to your sublemmy, c/weedtime!

Flores, can you hear me? (

1/13/2024, I found this worn neck gaiter in a pack of milsurp clothes. Flores, can you hear me? Flores, can you see me? Did you lose this at the post laundry? I'd like us all to share our cherished memories of Flores, whether he's still in the E4 Mafia or moved on to opportunities in managing a chain of vape stores in Tulsa. You are not forgotten, Flores. Have a happy Easter.

[-] 46 points 5 months ago

I got some chickens.

[-] 60 points 5 months ago

It depends on what you want out of it. Consider being more specific with your questions. If you love hosting dinner parties or playing ping pong, then no. Source: about 5 years full time RVer 🤨

Image upload not working? (

Hey mah shitizens, I went to make an simple OC image post on and the "browse" image upload dialog will not open. Tried logging out, then logging back in and restarted my phone. Android, firefox, all updated recently. I also tried uploadingcit from checked my android and browser media permissions. Halp

[-] 80 points 8 months ago

Because Trek fans were the first to organize conventions. They started out small in the late 60s. Now every single weekend, somewhere on this planet, there's a Trek convention being held. The conventions also raise massive money for charity. They are the nerds other nerds want to be, in terms of organization. I'm here for the memes.

[-] 50 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

That's a good point. He could have been fragged or set up for a own goal. It probably wouldn't be difficult. Tell him it's safe and send him out after a bender?


In Robert Heinlein's novel "Farnham's Freehold", the protagonists accidentally end up in a very technologically advanced feudal society that depends on a drug called "Happiness" to control things and keep social classes rigidly separated. The hypothesis of this question: the drug is a pleasant tasting drink you take daily. It has no known negative side effects. It rapidly induces a feeling of deep contentment, peace, clarity of mind and general satisfaction with your life. You will not become physically dependent on it. You don't have to pay anything to get it. A small, unchanging dose must be taken every day to maintain this effect, but you don't control its distribution. It is distributed by the ruling class of your society, but no one is coerced to take it, as they are psychologically dependent on it. After many centuries of Happiness distribution, no one has shown desensitization or needed a higher dose. The protagonists in the book rejected their doses, escaped briefly and were recaptured. Would you take Happiness? Why or why not?

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