[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 9 points 7 hours ago

And national service unless you leave the country long enough to age out.

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 1 points 2 days ago

So in your head, people are rich because they throw away their money?

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 6 points 2 days ago

Nothing says "cheap" more than clothes which are pretending to be expensive. If you're going to dress up, wear your better clothes that are in your normal style.

Personally I wouldn't bother. Just wear what you normally wear. Not everyone is interested in clothes even if they have money.

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 2 points 4 days ago

Part of it might be that I'm often having similar arguments with the team I run about introducing dependencies.

Engineers have a tendency to want to use the perfect tool for a job at the expense of other concerns. It could be ease of maintenance, availability of the skill-set, user experience, or whatever. If there's pushback it's normally that they are putting their own priorities above other people's equally valid concerns.

Often I'm telling people to step-back. Stop pushing, listen to the resistance and learn from it. Maybe I'm on a bit of a crusade when I see similar situations in open-source.

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 6 points 5 days ago

That's where I assumed it was going.

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 9 points 5 days ago

Unlikely. You probably will injest the poison and die, and depending on if the poison also acts as a venom they may / may not.

It's probably more accurate to say "Venoms are injected. Poisons are injested. "

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 4 points 5 days ago

I think for python tooling the choice is Python Vs Rust. C isn't in the mix either.

people like and want to program in rust

I think there's a survivor bias going on here. Those that have tried rust and stuck with it, they also like it. Far more people in the python community haven't tried it, or have and not stuck with it. I like and want to program Haskell. I'm not going to write python tools in it because the community won't appreciate it.

Tools should be maintained by those that use them. Python doesn't want to rely on the portion of the venn diagram that are rust and python users because that pool of people is much smaller.

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 2 points 6 days ago

Those languages bring different things though:

  • Python is the language the tool is for

  • C is the implementation language of Python and is always going to be there.

  • Cython is a very similar language to Python and designed to be very familiar to Python writers.

  • Fortran is the language that BLAS and similar libraries were historically implemented in since the 70s. Nobody in the python community has to write Fortran today. Those libraries are wrapped.

  • Rust is none of the above. Bringing it into the mix adds a new barrier.

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 7 points 6 days ago

I don't think it's a dream of "everything in python", but "python tools for python development". It means users of the language can contribute to the tooling.

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk -1 points 6 days ago

How about "To learn it to that level will take 10,000 hours I don't have"? Does that make more sense to you?

[-] wewbull@feddit.uk 142 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

We do, depending on how you count it.

There's two major widths in a processor. The data register width and the address bus width, but even that is not the whole story. If you go back to a processor like the 68000, the classic 16-bit processor, it has:

  • 32-bit data registers
  • 16- bit ALU
  • 16-bit data bus
  • 32-bit address registers
  • 24-bit address bus

Some people called it a 16/32 bit processor, but really it was the 16-bit ALU that classified it as 16-bits.

If you look at a Zen 4 core it has:

  • 64-bit data registers
  • 512-bit AVX data registers
  • 6 x 64-bit integer ALUs
  • 4 x 256-bit AVX ALUs
  • 2 x 128-bit data bus to DDR5 (dual edge 64-bit)
  • ~40-bits of addressable physical RAM

So, what do you want to call this processor?

64-bit (integer width), 128-bit (physical data bus width), 256-bit (widest ALU) or 512-bit (widest register width)? Do you want to multiply those numbers up by the number of ALUs in a core? ...by the number of cores on a piece of silicon?

Me, I'd say Zen4 was a 256-bit core, but you could argue any of the above numbers.

Basically, it's a measurement that lost all meaning so people stopped using it.

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