[-] yucandu@lemmy.world -1 points 22 hours ago

The data surrounding cooperatives don't appear to indicate any danger to large firms and other Capitalist entities dominating markets.

Can I see that data?

Since I'm sure you're arguing in good faith here and have actually looked at some data, and you're not just making things up.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world 1 points 22 hours ago

Umm, no. Elected politicians can do whatever tf they want. There's no legal mechanism to make them fulfill the promises they made during their campaign.

The next election is the mechanism that makes them fulfill the promises they've made during their campaign. If your politicians aren't afraid of losing the next election, you don't live in a real democracy, you probably live in a FPTP country, and you should fix that.

Not to mention that elected politicians aren't controlled by the people, most of the government positions aren't elected.

I don't know what country you are assuming counts as the entire world with this sentence, I'm going to assume America because it's usually Americans that do that.

But even then, what is wrong with me hiring someone to hire more people?

Democracy is when Government is owned by people. People own government through democracy. Great argument.

What is your counterargument other than "no"?

If you ask government to persecute people who break the law, do you no longer own people who break the law?

You can't own people, you never did, what are you trying to ask here?

What do YOU think the people owning the means of production looks like?

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world -3 points 22 hours ago

I didn't write any insults. I attacked your arguments. I said they were reminiscent of Jordan Peterson's word salad. I'm saying you aren't saying anything of substance. You're stringing a bunch of lofty concepts together in an attempt to sound smart, but you aren't saying anything at all.

I think that's what Marx was doing at many times too, but unfortunately some people are incapable of questioning it and instead just repeat it verbatim.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world -1 points 22 hours ago

No, socialism is when the people own the means of production. That doesn't require national borders, nor do I take your trolling response to be a positive indicator of arguing in good faith.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world -1 points 22 hours ago

The PRC has a Socialist Market Economy

No they don't, they have a capitalist economy. Absolutely nothing about China is socialist. You are eating up and regurgitating their propaganda without question.

Advocacy for Socialism isn't necessarily based in mystical properties of participating in a collectivized structure, but more of a materialist question of efficiency.

This is more of that vague word salad I referred to earlier. You didn't say anything here. "mystical properties of participating in a collectivized structure", "materialist question of efficiency", these phrases don't mean anything. You're just stringing polysyllabic words together to sound smart.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world -1 points 22 hours ago

"Tankie" is a person who cares more about whether a country flies the flag of socialism, regardless of their actions, and dismisses any criticisms about them as "western propaganda".

China is a capitalist country. They are more capitalist than the western countries you hate so much. Open your eyes. Stop believing Chinese propaganda.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world 0 points 22 hours ago

Socialism is a gradual process towards Communism.

This was the lie that Lenin told the Soviet to quell their questions about "why aren't we doing any of the things Marx said we have to do?"

Marx used socialism and communism as synonyms.

A worker cooperative does not endanger the Capitalist system nor move agaInst it,

You sure about that? A bunch of people choosing to not give money to capitalists "does not endanger the capitalist system"? Think about that.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world 1 points 23 hours ago

How are people supposed to control the government?

Through elections.

The government is controlled by govt officials.

That we elected.

How can a government be owned by people?

Through democracy.

Is government even a property that can be owned?

If I ask a friend to water my plants, do I no longer own the plants?

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world 2 points 23 hours ago

Excuse me I was told that anyone who says "people view disagreement as moral monstrosity" is actually a nazi.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

A worker cooperative in an economy dominated by private Capital is not an instance of Socialism, as it depends on the broader Capitalist system.

I've already addressed how this absolutism doesn't track with logic, I just hope people stop repeating it so we can get some actual socialism in this world.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world 90 points 1 day ago

Lisa's only mistake was saying yes.

Just do every single thing in socialism, but change every single word. Call it Americanism.

Proletariat? No, just "worker".

Bourgeoisie? No, just "elites".

Capital? "Stuff". Like how in baseball they say a pitcher's got good "stuff". Use your human stuff.

Class Consciousness - "common sense".

Dialectical Materialism - Idk I'm still trying to figure out wtf that one means.

[-] yucandu@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago

Which is surprising because up here in Canada, the socialism started with the farmers. And it's still going on with coop feed and grain silos and harvester sharing. Farmers don't let other farmers starve, in Canada.

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