For a movie with this premise, may I recommend The Lobster

My 18 year old sphynx, Hairry, had congestive heart failure last Sunday, but I got him to a vet in time for them to help. He's doing well on medications and I get some extra time with him.sphynx cat curled up in a blanket with a leg stretched out

The vet was an ordeal as their initial diagnosis was lymphoma and were going to give steroids. A friend that works there offered to come in on her day off, made them wait for radiology to report back, and figured out it was heart failure. If they had given him steroids, it would probably have killed him, so I'm extra grateful she gave him some extra attention and care. He still had to stay in an oxygenated kennel for a day and a half as the meds cleared the fluid from around his heart and out of his lungs.

My client does, but I have the option to click through if I think it's worth it. Connect is the client.

The users at basically already drove the mods in that community to suggest vegan communities on other instances to basically not have to put up with the rest of It's a dead community walking and the whole ordeal convinced me to block .world. I've seen less content, but damn has my experience on Lemmy gotten a whole lot better.

On my phone, the bottom was just cut off. I searched for way too long before realizing that.

He only thought it was a fart. Not the first time for this error.

I thought it was a weird Sailor Moon AI image at first, but then it kept getting worse.

Why did he put it back in the lunchbox?

This is clearly Mad Bull and is ok for children to have after takoyaki.

Woodworking partner: for when you want no garage space, to be frequently annoyed by loud noises, and to have half of your furniture and bowls made of epoxy. We don't need another table, Jeffrey! We already have six. Our home only has three rooms that could fit a table already! You have a sickness! I don't care that it's in the shape of a whale!


I'm not talking about the consumption of animals here, to be clear. What I'm talking about is spending days and a bunch of money planning to kill something, doing the killing, and skinning/eviscerating what was killed, and often displaying the stuffed corpse. Hunters and fishers refuse to admit they're obsessed with taking pleasure in killing something.

Miss me with the "tradition" stuff, it's just peer pressure from the dead and a fallacious argument. Don't tell me it's to eat, like I said, I'm not talking about the consumption here, so please prove to me you are literate by not bringing up that point. And don't tell me you're respectful to the animals you kill; I don't believe the planning, stalking, and killing is a good way to show respect.

The Dead Salmon (

My tools serve me, not the other way around. It's not worth the time and effort to wash by hand or sharpen on a whetstone. I don't need an expensive knife to cook at home. A pull through sharpener and honing steel are adequate. Get the right material and you don't have to worry about the metal in the dishwasher.

Ok, then let's make a new space called a loudbrary.

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joined 1 year ago