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[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 16 points 3 months ago

What's worse is that millions of people actually find the idea of paying a dime for anyone else's healthcare disgusting. And we don't even get to have a super low tax rate. We just spend our tax money on murdering children across the globe instead of caring for our own. Millions of us see it and oppose it but our society is just sick enough with enough asshole republicans gaming the system in a way that keeps us from doing a fucking thing about it. I wish we were as civilized as nations like Germany.

[-] Hideakikarate@sh.itjust.works 8 points 3 months ago

More than once, I hear an ad on the radio about good Christians coming together to help pay each other's medical bills and think to myself that is the very thing they hate so much.

[-] medgremlin@midwest.social 8 points 3 months ago

But they get to choose whose medical bills get paid. They can make sure that only "good Christians deserving of Jesus' mercy" are the ones getting assistance. Not some stranger in the urban ghettos with children born out of wedlock, etc.

These are the people that will make the distinction between "drug addict" and "person with substance use disorder" based on demographics like race, socioeconomic status, and religion.

[-] Grandwolf319@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 months ago

Uhhh no it’s not?

It’s literally a system where only Christians get benefits.

I’m also assuming one can be denied benefit if they were not a good enough Christian.

[-] intensely_human@lemm.ee 1 points 3 months ago

Some people consider the consent part of that arrangement to be key.

[-] MellowYellow13@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Neoliberals are also in on it too, not just republicans. And that's our system. It's all fucked top to bottom.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

I knew someone would say something like this. But it's not the same. I've discussed this a million times. If you're willing to admit Republicans are many, many times worse then maybe we can talk. If you're going to erase the difference then it's a no-go from me

[-] MellowYellow13@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago

If you are going to erase the damage and disgusting acts of neoliberals, then it is also a no go from me.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago
[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Not the person you’re responding to, but enjoy being taken for a ride. There’s always a Joe Lieberman, a Kyrsten Sinema, a Joe Manchin, or a senate parliamentarian (what?) to act as a foil, preventing any leftward movement at all and instead ratcheting right.

Neoliberals will sooner appease fascists than act as traitors to their class by doing anything left wing at all.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

We are fucked either way it's just a matter of damage control. A third party win simply won't be tenable anytime soon. I really tire of this conversation. No one has ever convinced me there's any chance a third party could even get over 10% of votes. It's not remotely believable. Seriously are you guys on heavy drugs? I honestly cannot fathom believing that route could ever, ever work.

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

No, democracy itself doesn’t work. It’s a facade where the public thinks they have a choice when in reality there’s no choices and everything is back room deals that enrich corrupt politicians (nearly all of them) and industry. You just admitted it yourself saying how third parties are impossible. How do you not see how you’re a mark (like most of the American public) being fooled? Is it even a democracy when our candidates are chosen for us? the democrats havent run a primary that they didn’t try to ratfuck since 2004! in 2008 they tried and failed to ratfuck Obama and install Hillary, not that it mattered because the second he came into office he did a complete 180 and broke every promise he made to get himself elected.

Our country needs a second revolution and our government needs to be overthrown. Capitalism needs to be abolished.

Our brutal imperialism around the world led by both parties enthusiastically is not “damage control”. People starving and living in the streets while we have endless money for imperialist wars of choice is not damage control.

Just the other day in vermont where I live a homeless couple died of exposure after our supermajority liberal government threw them out of the hotel program because our liberal public is sick and tired of paying higher taxes. Meanwhile we have the highest homelessness rate and highest rate of vacant second/third/fourth/fifth homes for the rich globalist class that makes their money stealing our wages. People dying from capitalism enthusiastically supported by both parties is not damage control. Our supermajority state legislature of liberals is comprised almost entirely of rich property and business owners. An average person like myself can’t be a politician because it doesn’t pay a living wage so you need a second job, and a second job is not flexible enough to support being a politician for a few months a year. It’s classist as fuck by design.

Yeah, it’s BOTH PARTIES. liberals like to pretend they’re holier than you but scratch one (raise their property taxes) and the poorly hidden fascist inside them comes out. They’re ok with bombs being dropped on brown people abroad so long as it’s a gay black trans woman dropping them. They’re ok with their fellow Vermonters dying from exposure so long as their property taxes don’t go up.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago
[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Ah yes, being a leftist of the anarchocommunist / libertarian socialist persuasion totally makes me a tankie, somebody who supports “communist” authoritarian governments like the famously “communist” modern day Russia or China. LMFAO.

I love how all you have to respond to a valid argument against the US waging its imperialist wars of choice abroad while its citizens suffer greatly at home with rising homelessness, living paycheck to paycheck with no savings for emergencies, and no healthcare, is ad hominem “tankie”. It’s not even accurate. Libs have zero political knowledge, after all, they’ve been voting blue no matter who for decades now as our country descends into fascist chaos. How’s that working out for you, libshit? You gonna vote even harder next election? that will show them! And now they’re gonna peacefully transfer power to fascists after bleating about them for the last 8+ years.

Get fucked, liberal. Enjoy the trump presidency, you earned the fascism.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Maybe if you came at people with not-being-a-huge-asshole they'd be more inclined to actually see some value in your words. All I got from you is misplaced rage, so you can yourself get thoroughly fucked.

Ps. Libertarianism is reserved solely for stupid people who find themselves to be very smart

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

You obviously don’t know what libertarian socialism is nor anarcho communism (I’m somewhere between the two related concepts).

Libertarian is the opposite of authoritarian, which is quite rich when you call someone who’s against authoritarianism a tankie. The Libertarian party in America is a fucking joke and not related to left wing libertarianism at all. It’s essentially a party of fuck you I got mine, but gay people and weed are cool.

And in typical liberal fashion when you can’t win an argument you resort to name calling and when that doesn’t work you bitch and moan about tone policing.

The left is unified in one regard: telling liberals who led us into fascism to get fucked. cry about it liberal. Aren’t you supposed to be marching around with your stupid signs and pussy hats now that trump got re-elected? Shouldn’t you be donating to the ReSiStAnCe? (who’s “leaders” are currently slobbing on trumps knob because they’re class traitors)

Where’s the vote blue no matter who crowd? Why aren’t they putting their money where their mouth is and having their own January 6th? I thought trump was the next hitler. Where’s the fight liberals? Is it hiding where y’all promised to “push biden to the left”?

Bunch of useless sheep, the lot of you. Go ahead and roll over for the fascists because politeness and protecting institutions matters more to you than protecting minorities like myself from the wrath of the christofascists.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

You don't actually have any fucking clue what I know or don't. All I know about you is you're angry at everyone unlike yourself, and align with a few concepts I find laughable. Nothing left to talk about.

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

There’s nothing more laughable than voting blue no matter who. I bet next time if you vote harder it will finally work!

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

We did what we could realistically do to help the situation, but it turns out it was always doomed, but that's not shocking. At least we are in touch with reality and aren't wishing in one hand and shitting in the other one and feeling shocked when the shit hand is full first. Practically no one is surprised by anything terrible happening in american politics since 2016. You are literally going off about how we should be trying to overthrow the government as if anyone capable of basic logic would ever think that would be a real possibility. Enjoy your pathetic false sense of superiority where you get to pretend everyone is an amoral moron who doesn't think exactly like you.

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

Liberals in a nutshell: “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas! Guess we’ll just let the fascists run things now!”

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Moronic leftists in a nutshell "we've not tried bloody revolution and that's everyone's fault but ours and totally not not happened because it's a horrifically terrible piece of shit idea, which we accidentally admit by not trying it ourselves. But again, it's your fault for not being masculine enough. You first, sHiTliBs!!!"

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

No. The democrats have blocked every single left leaning legislation through their spoilers (Lieberman, Manchin, Sinema, the senate parliamentarian) for decades now and every single election they shift to the right to appease people who will never ever vote for them.

Then the material conditions of society go to shit, fascists appeal to the undereducated and extremely manipulated (thanks Obama for cozying up to the tech industry and refusing to regulate them) and they get elected legitimately because the general public is fed up with worsening material conditions.

Meanwhile the democrats gaslight the public about how the economy has never been better. Better for **who?!** and both parties tax the ever loving shit out of us and then send that money to Israel so they can murder Palestinian children so NYC zionists can have oceanfront vacation homes.

Liberals protect their class interests at the expense of the rest of us who will be in the crosshairs of a fascist regime. Violent revolution is defense at this point.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

weird, you didn't start the revolution yet. still here typing about how much better you are than the worst fake democrats.

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago

Lol, they’re real democrats and they’re spoilers by design. You’re a fool.

The violence already started. Every mass shooting is someone losing it under the weight of capitalism.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

Still not started that actual revolution though yourself. Must be a moral failing on your part.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

Right, so those kids at columbine were actually just successfully protesting trump and fascism. We GoT wHaT wE dEsErVeD

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Go ahead and be a willfully obtuse moronic teenager if that’s what you want to be.

When columbine happened trump was a democrat and an entertainer. Now we’re getting mass shootings every week but no capitalism has nothing to do with it, it’s the guns and video games fault.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

lmao says the fake revolution supporting libertarian!!! funniest shit I've read on here in a while lol

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago

Remind me again what voting blue no matter who has accomplished for you?

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

Identical amount of accomplishments to the violence you advocate for but judge others for not committing first. Actually scratch that, we made some minor progress here and there instead of the fuck-all you've done to help.

[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The state is doing violence against its people in the form of poverty, homelessness, hunger and police brutality on the daily. Violent response is self defense.

Opposing the brutality of capitalism with violence is self defense. You’ll see. The trump admin is gonna round up all the undesirables and turn them into private prison slaves and liberals aren’t gonna do a single fucking thing to stop it besides ineffectually protest with stupid signs and go home. Hell they’ll be bragging about how great their stock portfolios and 401ks are doing.

The violence is coming. If democrats gave a flying fucking about the people instead of protecting their class interests and “institutions” none of this would be happening. They could of fought harder for gore in 2000 but rolled over. They could of fought harder for Obama’s SCOTUS picks but rolled over. They propped up trump (friend of the Clintons!) as an “easy” opponent for primary stealing Hillary and that backfired horrendously. They could of appealed to the left but instead chastised them. They could of appealed to the working class but called them deplorable instead. They could of raised the minimum wage but conveniently they had an unheard of senate parliamentarian to contend with. They could of passed universal healthcare but oh no joe Lieberman conveniently got in the way! They could of stopped supporting Israel’s bullshit decades ago but there isn’t a war they don’t support, after all those defense contractors need to do renovations on their third homes and that doesn’t come cheap. Not to mention they’re all owned by AIPAC at this point. Oh the irony of dems bleating about russian interference when we act as a colony for the israelis. They could of regulated social media companies but instead were in bed with them. They could of held bush 2 accountable for war crimes but didn’t. They could of curtailed the power of the federal government but instead supported warrantless wiretapping, drone strikes against Americans abroad without due process, and supported the expansion of ominously named “homeland security”. They could of put trump in jail for being the traitor to the country he is but didn’t. They could of supported striking railroad workers but instead ordered them back to work. They could of built a working class coalition of voters but instead focused on identity politics that matter to 1% of the population, creating a target on the backs of that 1%. There’s an endless list of things the democrats could of done to prevent the incoming nightmare but doing those things would betray their class interests, which come first. And even if it doesn’t betray their class interests they care more about pomp and circumstance than protecting their people. They rely heavily on losing identity politics because focusing on race/gender/ethnicity/sexuality doesn’t threaten their class interests. They don’t care that they lost, their wealth will protect them.

And besides, dumb easily manipulated rubes like you will continue to vote for them anyways as conditions continue to worsen in this country. Keep doing the same thing over and over and wonder why nothing changes.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago
[-] inv3r510n@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago

Let me guess, back to brunch for you, liberal. I’m one of the minorities that will be targeted with the incoming administration that the limousine liberal class sold out.

Hope brunch is bottomless! One needs to be fucking drunk as a skunk to not see things for what they are at this point.

[-] TrickDacy@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

Thanks! So accurate! Enjoy that heroin needle

this post was submitted on 30 Nov 2024
259 points (97.8% liked)

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