A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
There's a thread of legitimacy to "defending oneself and their property" in the US sure to how poor response times are, but honestly, it's just stuff. Why risk killing someone or getting killed?
The distinctly inept class-traitors known as cops are understood to really only be there to file paperwork for insurance. Lock your good stuff up in a real safe with time controls.
Man...your cops are so different from ours. Maybe because it's a real job here with requirements, mental and physical assesment, and even years long training. The assclowns won't even survive day one of the assessments.
But also yeah, I wouldn't risk self-defense either (if it'd be allowed). Stuff can be replaced. I just didn't think of that coz noone carries guns here except cops. And maybe some mobsters. You just call the cops and piss off.
I'm not sure what changed, but NYPD et al have always been at least mildly corrupt. I wonder what changed that got them to forget to be honorable with the people they're supposed to help.
Like you said, I also doubt many could handle a day in another country.
I wouldn't wonder about corruption. Bad pay, hard economy and sluggish selection of cops lead to that. That is so sad, especially for a country that loves to see itself as civilization's tip of the spear.
No wonder people have so much hate for cops
Nah those guys are getting 90k+ per year, almost best employee benefits in the city (after our sanitation guys), and a few other things.
Sluggish selection is a good question. If you look at a video of this incident, the Swedish cops on vacation broke up the brawl professionally and nobody got hurt.
Then and now, multiple people I've spoken with have expressed sincere doubt NYPD would have treated them as cleanly.
90k? That's quite a lot (I guess). Surely more than I would've expected. Why the good pay? Aren't they also greatly insured as gov employees?
Hm, yes. I'm no Swedish but those are the kind of cops I know. Professional de-escalizers, not trigger-happy lunatics with a short fuse.