The audience I wish to reach doesn't need their hand held as a child
Strawman, saying that this is about "leading people like they're children" not "clear and effective communication as equals"
B. What I'm talking about is proactively sharing your views, both to save time on questioning and to fill gaps that others would have never thought to ask about. Please, tell me why this isn't a needed part of discussion.
That's by far the best question I've been asked in this thread. However, satisfying your curiosity would require me to break a well-reasoned commitment I've already made to others.
The audience I wish to reach doesn't need their hand held as a child.
A. I hate to do this, but
Strawman, saying that this is about "leading people like they're children" not "clear and effective communication as equals"
B. What I'm talking about is proactively sharing your views, both to save time on questioning and to fill gaps that others would have never thought to ask about. Please, tell me why this isn't a needed part of discussion.
I need not accommodate everyone.
Who do you think you're actually reaching?
That's by far the best question I've been asked in this thread. However, satisfying your curiosity would require me to break a well-reasoned commitment I've already made to others.
I'm reminded of children in grade school who "I know what that means, I'm just not going to explain it to you."
Okay. You're a lot of talking for someone who doesn't want to say anything.
Yes. In this endeavor you're beginning to understand the means I've chosen for the majority.
Ad hominem. How ironic, who could have expected this! Blocked lmao.