Pornhub Is Now Blocked in Almost All of the U.S. South
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This is dumb. Any decent VPN will provide exit nodes in non restricted states. Getting around this block is trivial
Ha ha, lovely!
The majority of people do not have vpns
Also happens to open the gateway to the high seas... of piracy.
It's not trivial for most. In a space like lemmy? Sure, easy money. I have a Digital Ocean droplet out of Amsterdam, had it for years, $5 a month. No one here is impressed.
The vast majority of people have no clue what a VPN is. Stop 100 people on the street. Bet <1% can say what the acronym stands for, let alone how or why one is used.
Id say more people would know they have a vpn and what its for than people who could tell you what it stands for.
Like average people knowing they have DNA and what it does but cant tell you what its an acronym for.
Doritos N' Alcohol
The 'p' obviously is for porn.
Until the federal government sees VPN providers "subverting the state" by "enabling" age verification laws to be bypassed