xkcd #3030: Lasering Incidents
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Noise is not violence in the same way that murder is violence. And if your issue is them flying near residential areas, that increases the likelihood of another, uninvolved, innocent person being injured or killed in the crash. As I said in my other comment, violence inflicted on bystanders is abhorrent and not acceptable. Noise is a nuisance, murder is a permanent bad "solution" to a temporary minor problem in this case.
Noise is absolutely physical violence and inflicting it on thousands of people at once is unforgivable.
If you're talking about the constant noise from bit mining operations and the like, I'd agree with you. But having grown up very close to a US military testing airfield, I disagree with the assertion that aircraft noise is anything more than a nuisance. Throughout the first 26 years of my life, I lived in a place where squadrons of C-130's would do take-off and landing drills over my neighborhood. While it was irksome, like all aircraft, they were limited to flying during certain times of day, excluding emergencies, just like personal or private aircraft are. I suffered no permanent harm from it, and to be honest, our neighbors blasting loud music all the time and late into the night was more of a problem than the aircraft.
I think you are focusing far too much and placing entirely unwarranted importance on this issue, and your efforts would be better spent elsewhere. It will win you no favors to burn any good will you have on this issue when there are others that are much more important problems.
It seems like you don't have autistic noise sensitivity or migraines. When a plane makes noise that bothers thousands of people, autistic people will be harmed. People with migraines will want to kill themselves. Everyone is different, and the law needs to be able to protect the most vulnerable in society.
There is no reasonable way to eliminate all noise and I can guarantee that there are sources of noise that are louder and more pervasive/frequent than aircraft that you could focus this ire on. If someone is really so sensitive as to suffer immense harm from the noise of aircraft in their area, they should not live in that area.
Before you start on some tangent about how small, rural communities have aircraft noise as well as large cities, I would like to inform you that those small airports can be a vital lifeline for the most vulnerable in our communities. I have helped care for a patient that had to be flown to our hospital in a small airplane from a rural community about 500 miles away because an air ambulance helicopter couldn't make the distance and a ground ambulance would have been too slow. Putting too many restrictions on small airfields, especially in remote communities could very easily cause actual fatalities, not just disruption or distress.
Being overly sensitive to noise isn't exclusive to people with autism, nor is everyone on the spectrum sensitive to noise.
It's as stupid an argument as saying we should destroy all the street lighting because of people who have migraines at night. Yeah, it really sucks having to deal with that. What sucks a lot more is unsafe streets because of the total lack of lighting.