Biden's last hoorah: $8 billion weapons package to Israel is in the works
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Well I’m not against violent revolution to change the system. I just don’t think anarchy will give you the world you expect.
If you think the poor and marginalised or preyed upon now, how do you imagine that would pan out if we had no laws. The most heinous people would again rise to be the most powerful, it’s just there would be no laws to mitigate the damage they could do.
can't accumulate power in a society without hierarchy.
Plenty of countries exist right now with no government and rebels have seized power.
If guns exist, then armies can exist, if armies exist then people can consolidate power.
armies can't exist without hierarchy. as an anarchist, I seek to smash all unjust hierarchy.
What are you talking about.
Suppose you get rid of whatever hierarchy you propose.
Do you not think people will still look to prey on others or control others?
that happens now. I'm proposing that we eliminate systems that make it worse.
Yet you’ve still to propose how or what you want.
All of you’ve done is said no not like that.
I said clearly abolition of all unjust hierarchy.
Care to elaborate?
Can you explain to me the unjust hierarchy you want abolished?
Who determines what is and isn’t unjust?
I want to abolish all unjust hierarchy. if you want to know more, I recommend reading Proudhon, Kropotkin, and Bakunin.
edit: more contemporary literature would include anything by the invisible committee or crimethinc. Haymarket books is a great resource for all kinds of great anarchist literature.
You realise your approach of being reluctant to provide your thoughts, expand on them, or engage in discourse is really not going to help you get people on side for your cause.
Simply providing reading resources isn’t enough as most people (myself included) are not going to go and read these books. If you’ve learned something of value and you think it would make for a better society, then surely you should be passionate about talking about these ideas and enlightening more people.
All you’ve done is alienate me as I don’t know if you’re being obtuse, you can’t regurgitate the points that resonated with you (no shade I struggle with this when debating with right wing colleagues), or that you’re passionate about it at all.
I'm not trying to recruit you. I'm telling you what I think. if you want to know more, you can read what I've read.
So you think this but don’t care if it actually comes to fruition?
Is that’s the case why comment your initial comment at all.
I care, and I do work in my community to free us all from oppression. I don't spend time trying to convince Internet strangers to adopt my ideology.
to normalize my position in discourse. I hope it lets others who feel the same way see they are not alone.
Well I might feel the same way but you’ve really not helped me feel welcome or that we have common ground.
All I’m asking for is a little self reflection based on my thoughts. As I would offer you the same courtesy had you given me feedback on my approach to this discussion.
have a nice day..I thought we were done hours ago
Haha I’ve been slacking at work.
Have a good day.