I think the modern flat earth idea started in the UK but I don't actually know of anyone who believes it, it's still very much a "village idiot" thing.
If believing one thing with every fibre of your being is your new foundation stone, dismissing another belief that doesn't contradict your first one can become tricky.
I think the modern flat earth idea started in the UK but I don't actually know of anyone who believes it, it's still very much a "village idiot" thing.
Your username 🥺
For the love of God, and all that is holy...
Everybody dance!
1 guy 1 jar is brought to mind. 🥲
The ones I know have been born-agains.
Which kinda tracks.
If believing one thing with every fibre of your being is your new foundation stone, dismissing another belief that doesn't contradict your first one can become tricky.