Only Objective of Complicated Board Game is Accurately Setting It Up
Let's Play a Game! A place to discuss all things board game, regardless of genre. Everything from Scrabble and Catan to Ark Nova, 1830 and beyond is fair game! That means we have blackjack. Bring your own hookers, sorry.
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... shit, that's viable. You could make that fun and funny for real. Kinda like Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes, but in cardboard. And dice and tokens and string and clay.
Have an actual playable game after setup, but the game you play depends on how the pieces were actually setup. If you really screwed up, you play house rules Monopoly.
Yeah, like it's bugged. Rules don't work as-written because things aren't lined-up properly. There are no remaining cards in the yellow satchel because they're mismatched with the tile stacks. Rotating the dungeon panels traps a player because any correct alignment of doors is in NP-hard.
But once you've improvised that all cards get shuffled back in and one-sided walls don't count... you can walk to the exit in like two turns, right? We're gonna Any% this bitch.
Isn't Decorum basically "set up the board properly"?