Israel Invades Jenin Days After Signing Gaza “Ceasefire”
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Same challenge I gave the other guy:
Show me where the ICC charged Biden the way they did Netanyahu or Putin, it's cool. I can wait.
In fact, show me which of the 5 definitions of Genocide Biden meets under article II of the UN charter.
Pro tip - You can't, because they didn't.
I'm all for blaming Israel for the Genocide, they are 100% doing it and will not stop unless someone invades and makes them stop.
That doesn't mean Biden was doing it.
I see, you’re speaking of genocide only in strictly a legal terms, as if that is the only meaning of the term “genocide.” Got it, Slippin’ Jimmy.
This is precisely why the US’s rhetoric is the way it is, because if they were honest about their mens rea then they would be legally complicit. The US pretends to be naïve to provide legal & rhetorical cover for itself.
Whether you are naïve, or only pretending to be, is an exercise for the reader.
Legal terms are the only terms that are factual and avoid what people feel about the issue.
Was Biden charged with war crimes the way Netanyahu was? No? Were US forces pulling the triggers? No? Not our dance. Blame the appropriate parties if you want to see something happen.
Further... and I said this in the run up to the election, Israel doesn't need our help to commit genocide. Sniper bullets are cheap and depending on who's counting, Israel is between the #8 and #10 arms supplier in the world.
All aid could be cut off today and the genocide would continue, because it's Israel doing it.
The US is not doing this, Israel is:
Even after the cease fire...
Pure ideology. What a joke. The institutions of the state do not exist as divine arbiter of truth.
Biden is a genocider because he did everything in his power to provide arms to a state engaged in genocide. Given the level of dependence the idf has on us arms, if Biden made the decision to stop arming Israel, the genocide in Palestine couldn't have been sustained for more than a few weeks at best.
It is just blatantly counterfactual to state that Israel has the military means to continue the genocide without us military aid.
Some stats on us-israel military cooperation
Israel not only received 22 billion* dollars in aid (the second biggest military spender china spends 140 billion per year ), but also buys almost all it's military equipment from the us. Israel's airforce for instance is fitted with us produced planes.
The USA says they will kill everyone who works at the ICC if they charge Biden. I imagine you're no fan of the ISIL caliph, but you wouldn't tell him to his face. Biden laps his kill-count during his morning coffee.
So do you apply this standard consistently? Do you ban anybody who accuses China of genocide, for example?
No, the ICC has no authority in China as they aren't a member state, for them use you Article II of the UN Genocide convention, for which they meet the definition quite aptly:
"Article II of the convention defines genocide as ANY of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group. ✅
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. ✅
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. ✅
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group. ✅
(e) Forcibly transferring children of one group to another group." ✅
This doesn't apply to Biden and Gaza as it's ISRAEL committing acts A-E, not the United States.
The USA ALSO ISN'T A MEMBER STATE you hypocritical fucking dipshit. No fucking surprise that there comes the post-hoc modifications to your bullshit criteria.
And guess what, the USA also meets that criteria (well I shouldn't say 'also', because China does not), but I'm sure you'll just change your standard against to keep defending your genociders of choice
Correct, the ICC has jurisdiction over crimes committed in member states, so when Israel commits war crimes in the State of Palestine, they get charged. Similarly when Russia commits war crimes in Ukraine, they also get charged.
However if Putin commits atrocities in Russia, the ICC has no jurisdiction. Same for China.
Ah OK, you're just willingly being disingenuous to defend genocides.
Know this, as someone who has lost family is Gaza to your beloved Biden's genocide, I find you infinity more loathsome than the outright fascists in your and Israels governments. At least they're honest and outright, they don't commit this repulsive linguistic gymnastics, torturing logic, language, and law in the most absurd ways to pretend you don't believe what you believe. You are the lowest kind of scum on Earth, and not only should your death go unmourned, it should be actively celebrated. I pray that one day your home and neighborhood looks like Gaza, and that you and people like you are reduced to corpses rotting in the rubble. And if that happens, I'll make sure to say of the people responsible: "they didn't do anything wrong, they were just uwu smol beans who meant well!"
(a) Show me the Uyghur bodies
(b) Show me the serious bodily or mental harm
(c) Show me the conditions calculated to bring about physical destruction in whole or in part
(d) Show me the measures intended to prevent births within the group
(e) Show me the forcible transfer of children from one group to another group
All you have are a couple of photos of prisons, which proves nothing, and some garbage testimonies that we’ve debunked a thousand fucking times already.
If the terrorism that the CIA-backed religious extremists brought down on Xinjiang happened in America, the US government would have come down on them a thousand times worse than how China handled them. This is obvious by simply looking at how the US handled 9/11, or by looking at US incarceration rates compared to China, or any other country in the world for that matter.
This was a failed attempt by the US government to balkanize/peel off Western China, and now the US is trying to make lemonade out of their lemon by accusing China of genocide.
No one seems to be interested in your Council on Foreign Relations hasbara.