Microsoft should be terrified of SteamOS
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Year of linux desktop, amirite?
Jesus, news outlets love hyperbole, don't they. We are not even at 5% market share.
He specifically didn't say that. Instead of criticizing that they aren't nuanced enough you should read the nuance they actually wrote:
Then the title is misrepresenting what they are saying (i.e., clickbait). The title "Microsoft should be terrified of SteamOS" reads as 'SteamOS would threaten Windows dominance on desktop space'.
Bro, just admit you only read the headline before coming down to comment.
I don't know how long it'll take desktop Linux to reach 10% market share. Could be a couple of years, could be decades, could be never. But once it reaches 10%, I give it 5 years before it's over 80%.