Microsoft should be terrified of SteamOS
Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Well... if you actually want to learn, as we ALL did, get yourself a device you can literally set on fire. By that I mean a RPi 3 (probably going for 10 EUR nowadays) or a 2nd hand laptop. If you can't find that easily, try a virtual machine, if you don't want to bother give a whirl (with a ad blocker...) to https://distrosea.com and come back, risk free.
It's honestly empowering to learn and it has been relevant for decades (basically since the UNIX days) and STILL is relevant today in the time of the "cloud" where all such commands are still used.