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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Haha you had me, ngl
That said I've never had issues with drivers on Windows, like ever.
The last time I tried Linux was probably a good 5 years ago (Mint) and it was good, but I kept having to do what you described, adding repos (had no idea what they were or how they worked) and running command line updates, and it all looked like random code executing on my system. I could definitely see why the average person would be intimidated.
Eventually I gave up when I couldn't get the most simple thing I did in windows working on Linux, updating my keepass automatically via Gmail.
I'll have to give Mint another shot, I'm sure it's come along even more.
I haven't used Windows in a bit, but I had to help two friends with display driver issues on windows recently. When they break they have to be uninstalled using a third party tool before you can perform a fresh install of them.