The betrayal
Let's Play a Game! A place to discuss all things board game, regardless of genre. Everything from Scrabble and Catan to Ark Nova, 1830 and beyond is fair game! That means we have blackjack. Bring your own hookers, sorry.
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Generally I enjoy board games, but for whatever reason I absolutely can't stand Ticket to Ride.
It's a shame because several friends and family really like it, but for whatever reason, I just can't put together the gameplay and strategy in my mind, and either because of that or in addition to that, I've never once had fun while playing it.
This and Farkle are two of the few that I just try to politely decline now. I'll make everyone a snack or something and sit out.
It's very much a gateway game, low complexity. Quite possible your tastes have moved past it to more complicated stuff.