Your school wants you to use Whatsapp?
Mine too, but it wasn't forced on me. All of my classmates use whatsapp but not having too deal with all the needless stuff on there is great in my opinion
WhatsApp has replaced text messaging in a lot of countries. Even banks use WhatsApp
Important notifications, informing holidays, events special classes, and all communications go through whatsapp.
Also sometimes online/video class links are posted there
Your school wants you to use Whatsapp?
Mine too, but it wasn't forced on me. All of my classmates use whatsapp but not having too deal with all the needless stuff on there is great in my opinion
WhatsApp has replaced text messaging in a lot of countries. Even banks use WhatsApp
Important notifications, informing holidays, events special classes, and all communications go through whatsapp.
Also sometimes online/video class links are posted there